Top Three Reasons Why Men See a Plastic Surgeon
While a plastic surgeon may never see more male than female patients, men are increasingly opting for cosmetic surgery.
While the number of male patients may never surpass the number of female patients that a plastic surgeon sees,

they are certainly augmenting the population of cosmetic procedure patients, particularly in the area of minimally invasive procedures.
The realm of cosmetic surgery spans many types of procedures from extensive operations to minimally invasive or non-invasive procedures. While women continue to seek cosmetic procedures exponentially more than men, visits by men to consultations with plastic surgeons have increased two hundred percent in the past decade. Breast augmentation is the most popular procedure across the board, but for the male demographic, minimally invasive procedures are most frequently requested.
Men, especially those in careers with a lot of client face time, are cropping up in offices across the country asking questions about candidacy for Botox injections. Frown lines and brow creases seem to cause more vanity among men than even gray hair and beer bellies, and the skyrocketing number of men investigating Botox possibilities is growing as fast as that gray hair and those bellies. Men seem to flock to this type of procedure because there is not much time commitment and there is little to no down time, which puts them back in their bread winning roles instantaneously.
Microdermabrasion is another procedure that many are surprised to learn falls under the umbrella of surgery. Because the term is touted on so many over the counter products, most assume that microdermabrasion is a topical treatment. But if you look closely at a product claims, what they are really advertising is microdermabrasion-like results. The actual procedure uses surgical grade tools and chemicals that require a plastic surgeon or otherwise certified cosmetic professional. The difference in esthetician, cosmetic nurse, or otherwise certified professionals allowed to perform the procedure is the percent strength of chemical they are certified to use. A plastic surgeon is really the only one who can execute the procedure fully, though other procedures fall under the same name. Men, being men, are more likely to go straight for the top. They will not mess with OTC trial and error or salon grade procedures; they want the best-qualified professional and best product from the beginning, much like when they purchase electronics.
Laser hair removal is an area of cosmetic surgery that becomes more and more appealing to men as they age. Fine facial hair growing outside of the typical facial hair border, back hair, and some other unwanted hair leads men to investigate this quickly growing field of cosmetic surgery.