Treatment for Children with Microtia
Life can be difficult for children with microtia. The condition can affect the child's ability to hear, in addition to their physical appearance, but there are treatment options available.
Children with microtia can be affected in a number of ways. The condition involves a deformity of the ear. The ear fails to fully develop,

leaving the child with a small, underdeveloped, or non-existent external ear. In the past, there was little that could be done to treat this condition, but nowadays, there are a number of treatment options available.
A simple solution to the aesthetic problem that children with microtia face is prosthesis. With the advances in technology in recent years, prostheses can look very natural. If they were unaware of the child's condition, most people would not even be able to tell that it wasn't the child's natural ear. Most of these are made with silicone and colored to match the exact skin tone of the patient. As children can be cruel at times and poke fun at people who are different from themselves, prostheses can provide parents with peace of mind and a young patient with the self-esteem boost that they need to feel good about themselves during their school years.
Another treatment option for children with microtia is to rebuild the ear with a permanent plastic implant. While this option can provide a long-lasting solution to the problem, it does require surgery, which can expose the patient to the general risks that are associated with any surgery. Parents who are nervous about this scenario may want to consider a prosthesis for their child.
The most common alternative to the above-mentioned treatments is a rib graft reconstruction, which uses cartilage from the patient's own ribs to build a new outer ear. Children with microtia must wait until they are slightly older, typically around 8 years old, to undergo a reconstruction procedure.
With this option, there is no chance of the body rejecting the tissue since it comes from the actual patient. In addition, the risk of infection or other complications are significantly reduced. While the previously referenced treatment options do provide quality results, this type of reconstruction is known for offering the most realistic results available. Since the tissue is the own patients, the new ear will match the child's skin tone exactly. There is no chance of a mismatch.
As you now know, there are several treatment options available to children with microtia. It is important for the parents of these patients to fully consider each one before making a decision based on the unique needs of their child. A skilled medical professional can provide you with the information you need to come to a conclusion that you can be confident about.