Tubal Reversal Surgery Changes Life
Information about Tubal Reversal and Tubal Reversal Surgery where we knows about its process and the changes which made by it.
Sterilization is a medical process which destroys completely all living cells,
viruses and spores. While the tubal ligation does not kill anything but prevents the sperms from fertilization. Tubal ligation is a permanent solution for not getting pregnant. In this process fallopian tubes are cut down or blocked using different techniques to break the connection. Women who wish not to have more babies go for this option but research shows that 25 to 35 percent women who had tubal ligation late on went for tubal reversal.
Reversal surgery decision may be influenced by many factors, like change of partner or some emotional feeling for having more babies inspired by someone else. When a women with tubal ligation changes mind to have babies again then there are two option for getting pregnant IVF and reversal surgery. IVF is not the permanent solution to the problem; it is more expensive and needs to be repeated every time for getting pregnant. It is permanent, natural and effective solution for having pregnancy. Success rate of reversal surgery is 65 to 85 % that is much higher as compared to IVF.
In this process the surgeon reconnects or removes the blockage to activate the natural way for pregnancy and birth. The best candidate for this surgery is a woman who has left with reasonable amount of fallopian tubes after the tubal ligation. Candidate has to take some health tests before going for this process, tests results decide that a woman is suitable for tubal this surgery or not. The partners have to be mentally and emotionally prepared for this process. The physician may recommend some parental vitamins, exercise and to quit smoking before this process.
After the successful tubal reversal surgery the natural fertility is restored and women can conceive a child that changes the life. But it is recommended to not get pregnant for two months so the healing process of fallopian tubes may be completed. The time require for this operation is just one or two hours and patient can go to home on the same day if distance is long you should avoid travel till next day.
According to the Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report 2009, it has better pregnancy rate over IVF. In this report over 5000 patients was closely monitored and reported pregnancy that is the largest study conducted on tubal reversal surgery to date. This is the biggest evidence that tubal reversal surgery changes life.