Tummy Tuck - Why Not Have the Body You have Always Wanted
The tummy tuck was developed for those who are basically in good health and even though they may not be overweight, do not have the streamlined body they thought they would have by now.
Many women wait until after having their babies to have a tummy tuck. This is not much of a surprise since babies are weighing more when they are born now. Just recently a new mother gave birth to a sixteen pound baby. It is not unusual for moms to wait until after they have finished having children because most of them can not afford to have more than one operation.
Some women become very depressed because their body never really bounces back after childbirth even though they lose all of their weight. A tummy tuck gives them something to look forward to. They wish they could afford all of the treatments each time they have a baby just like all of the celebrities do on television. Getting rid of that little pooch becomes a goal for most mothers. This is what the tummy tuck is intended to do.
The tummy tuck takes away all of the excess skin and the stretch marks that go with it. It is the board certified plastic surgeon that will perform the procedure. He has more training than the normal surgeon and has gone through an extra residency in the area of plastic surgery. The surgeon will tell you that up to fifty percent of the skin from this area can be removed. The remaining skin will be carefully stretched to cover the entire area and in the process improving your figure.
Normally doctors like to include liposuction and possibly tighten the abdominal walls at the same time they perform a tummy tuck. Many will also add other procedures that are of interest to the patient. If the doctor feels that you have enough stamina to handle them both on the same day,

it wold mean quite a bit of savings and a shorter down time for you in the long run.
This is a major procedure and the doctor will discuss with you the likelihood of being a good candidate and possible alternatives if you are not. Some patients may require more extensive work and others something more specific such as abdominal etching which just takes the extra fat and skin away to showcase the strong muscles that are already there. You will be advised of the risks and recovery period during your initial consultation. Over the years there have been many improvements and new, preferred procedures. If you are disappointed with the results of dieting and exercise alone, this is a procedure that can give the shape you desire and the results you were hoping for.