Types of Implants for Breast augmentation
If you’ve experienced one or more of dramatic changes in your own body, talk to a plastic surgeon about breast augmentation. There are a few options out there to achieve your desired look. You also have some things to think about as far as size, shape, and feel.
Women desire an exceptional figure for all sorts of reasons. Plastic surgery is one way to recontour your body to create that perfect look. Before you jump to conclusions about what plastic surgery is,

figure out what it is that you want to change. For many women, it’s the size of their breasts. These reasons are not just aesthetic ones. Some women have experienced excessive weight loss. Other have spent many years bearing and breast feeding children. Some strong women have made it through breast cancer. These are all very transformative life changes. This is not simply a vain desire to look beautiful but a desire to get back to normalcy. It’s about feeling comfortable in your body. There are two major types of breast implants to achieve your desired look:
Saline is the most common breast implant used today for breast augmentation. Saline is a fluid found naturally in the body so there are fewer complications associated with this kind of enlargement surgery. If you are currently speaking to a doctor, chances are this is the kind of implant you are discussing. You can achieve your look in a variety of sizes, the largest size can be deduced by your doctor by looking at what your current body can handle and what is the healthiest option.
Silicone is sometimes preferred over saline for breast augmentation because it had a better look and overall feel. It feels more natural. The difference is that silicone is a synthesized material so the body may regard it as a foreign object. Not all women can be approved for such work because it’s not right for every body. Talk to your doctor about whether this is something that could work for you. There may be specific limitations that would disable your from making a choice.
Some of the newest innovations in breast augmentation are to use fat cells from your own body. Since it’s a naturally occurring substance in your own body, of course your body takes to it naturally. This option is unorthodox but if you have reserves of fat in your buttocks and thighs you can remove the excess in one part of your body and transfer it to your chest for a fuller look to your breasts. This option by far has the most natural feel because it is the most natural procedure. The complication is now you’re getting two procedures done now – not just one.
For whatever your reasons, once you’ve made the decision for breast augmentation surgery, you’ll be sure to find a doctor who makes you feel comfortable and supports your needs as a patient in a healthy way. When speaking to a cosmetic surgeon, you’ll talk about breast augmentation in more scientific terms. No need to express it basely as a “boob job.” In the medical field it is known as mamaplasty. Once complete and after recovery you will feel new again, or like your old self again. The point is you will feel great and your confidence will extend past yourself image into your every day life.