Typical Steps in Cosmetic Surgery
When undergoing cosmetic surgery, a patient will usually go through some typical steps. Here are some things to think about.
There are some steps that are typical of the process a patient goes through in cosmetic surgery. In order to have an optimum result,

it’s best for a patient to know what to expect in order to be prepared for the outcome. Realistic expectations are part of what makes a person a prime candidate for the operations. Here are some of the steps one should be prepared for:
- Initial consultation: The first step in the process includes meeting with the potential surgeon for an initial consultation. This appointment is a great time to ask questions and get specific details about the procedure. Issues such as cost, the length of time the operation will take, what the recovery time probability is and what the patient’s appearance should be post-op. Viewing “before and after” photos may occur during this initial appointment. This is a great time to take a look at the results other patients have had. Looking at pics of similar procedures and individuals of similar age, weight and bone structure will give the most accurate representation of results. Symmetry and balance in the result is something that will be explained during this initial appointment.
- Nurse questions: After meeting with the doctor, the prospective patient will meet with the registered nurse. This professional will ask questions about dietary intake, medications and allergies in order to have a complete pre-op chart. He or she will most likely give a handout regarding pre and post-operative care. It’s important to follow these instructions very carefully.
- Consent forms and lab work: Before an operation, every patient must read over and sign forms which give his or her consent to perform the elective procedure. Lab work such as blood tests and urinalysis are done as well in order to obtain a baseline of health statistics before the big day.
- Day of surgery: On the day of the procedure, a patient will need to have a friend or family member along to drive them to and from the hospital or clinic. It is helpful to have someone stay at the house with them initially, as well. In the operating suites, anesthesia will be administered, and clothes and valuables will be locked up temporarily. After the surgical team is finished, the patient will spend some time in recovery until it’s time to go home. Some techniques are considered outpatient while others require an overnight stay or two at the hospital.
- Recovery and healing: The timetable for recovering will differ depending on the type operation as well as the individual patient. Timeframes range from days to months. Patients should realize that their initial appearance will be unsatisfactory due to bruising and swelling. Over the weeks, the final results will begin to become apparent. Some people get the post-op blues, as well. They may question whether they did the right thing and go through a readjustment process getting used to their new appearance. These “blues” pass as the new improved looks emerge.
Cosmetic surgery has a typical series of steps that every patient usually passes through. On the other side of these process is a whole new and enhanced appearance.