Using Stones in Spiritual and Healing Practices
Using stones and crystals of various types as metaphysical tools for crystal therapy healing and spiritual practice.
Stones and crystals of various types have been employed in healing and magic rituals in various cultures since the beginning of time. Many civilizations,

for instance, the native American, Mayan, Chinese,and Hebrew cultures have understood the fact that crystals and stones have metaphysical powers. Today, we are approaching new levels of consciousness where, obviously, the disciplines of crystal therapy and energy healing will have important role in our society. An ever increasing number of spiritual workers is now able to test and confirm the beneficial powers of the stones.
How is healing actually being stimulated in humans? We believe that the healing effect is done on all levels simultaneously. We are all energy beings. This means that our energy field can be influenced indirectly by the chosen stones and crystals, leading to physical and non physical effects. For example, orange, red and yellowish stones are capable of promoting energy and strength. Violet, blue and lavender crystals generally have comforting and calming effects. Black and brown crystals, such as smoky quartz, onyx and obsidian are excellent for grounding and centering purposes. Every spiritual or healing work should actually start by a proper grounding. Also, after the healing session a proper grounding is recommended for delivering the healing energies up to the physical level.
The most significant and probably the best known healing and spiritual gemstone is silica -rock crystal quartz. It has numerous variations, one of the most attractive being amethyst. Amethyst is a stone of the spirit - a calming and healing tool of the soul and the mind. Citrine is yellow quartz, often transparent and visually very attractive. Citrine is known by its purifying abilities, but it also increases clarity, self-control, and will powers. Citrine is also one of the crystals that promote success.
There are numerous variations of other mineral structures and types - over 3.500 of them. We can only say that we are just beginning to explore this world and its implications on humans and their health.
In many cases, the optimal use of the crystals is in their synergetic effect. Crystal are being placed in specially designed schemes and grids, so that their joint influence gives maximum power to the human auric field. Such grids can have mighty influence on our general health and well-being.