Walk More, It will save you money and may save your life

Jul 31


Brandt R. Gibson, DPM

Brandt R. Gibson, DPM

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As gas prices continue to rise and health concerns continue to mount, walking may be the key to both difficulties. As you walk you save money and save your life.


As oil prices continue to rise,Walk More, It will save you money and may save your life Articles gas prices have skyrocketed. Now we find prices rising above $4.10 per gallon. With this rise, all of us are feeling the pinch as we are forced to drive through our daily activities. Many of us are required to drive to get to work or even to go to the store for required food items. Over the years, however, many of us have gotten into the habit of driving around the block or sometimes just down the street. In fact, we drive everywhere we go. Many of these habits can change to help save us some money.

Imagine the amount of gas that could be saved if you walk or bike around the block or "just down the street". Imagine the savings in car wear-and-tear. Even if it saves you only $2.00 a day to take the short trips on foot, that would quickly lead to $14.00 a week or $730.00 a year. Many of us through the act of walking would save much more than $2.00 a day, leading to thousands of dollars of saving a year. Wouldn't it be great to put an extra #1000.00 a year in a savings account, a CD or a retirement plan?

The savings of walking or biking, however, go much farther than the monetary value. Did you know that by walking you can actually save your life? Let's give you some statistics. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), by 2030 the population of older Americans will have doubled to approximately 70 million. Among this population, complications of chronic disease has become epidemic and may lead to disability or even death. Physical activity is one of the protective measures that can help us avoid many of these disease related problems. As little as 30 minutes a day has been shown to improve diabetes, decrease blood pressure, improve heart function, eliminate depression and improve overall functioning of the circulation. Although many other factors come into play here, walking regularly improves overall health.

Let me give some specific examples. Through the act of exercise, in my own life, I significantly reduced the cholesterol that commonly leads to heart disease, my blood pressure and pulse rate reduced due to greater efficiency of the circulation and heart in pumping blood throughout the body. These simple changes improved every indicator in my life for life expectancy. These health benefits can also add additional funds to your pocket through savings in life insurance policy premiums, decreased medication or physician costs and increased abilities to walk (maybe even more than around the block).

One hidden benefit that is often not discussed, is the "runner's high". The hormones and enzymes that are released with exercise have an even greater health benefit to many people than the physical signs previously discussed. Exercise no only increases health, but also increases your happiness, your "sense of wellbeing" and your energy level. After you get past the aches and pains associated with starting a new exercise program, most people describe themselves as "just feeling better." This improved feeling adds a joy to your life that helps you enjoy every aspect of your life. So it will help you live longer and also enjoy every minute of that longer life.

Now that you are considering the value of walking, I want to remind you of some key points to ensure safety and health in this activity:

1) Correct shoes are important. Avoid walking in flip-flops or barefoot, as either could increase your chance of injury or foot pain. Shoes that are designated as walking or running shoes are the best option for this activity.

2) Start walking slowly. Don't be in too much of a hurry, or start walking too far the first time. As you get more used to the activity the body will be more prepared and the muscles will function more successfully in providing the speed or distance that you desire.

3) Enjoy your scenery. One of the blessings you can enjoy with a simple walk is the beautiful world that we live in. You will see things in your neighborhood that you miss when in a car.

Walking is a great activity and has benefits that we haven't even mentioned. So save some money and save a life, start walking today.