Impulsivity is reacting to a situation without considering the consequences. People who are overly impulsive, seem unable to curb their immediate reactions or think before they act.
The tendency to jump into a situation without thinking or making a plan of attack characterizes the impulsive child. This behavior is evident in approaching academic work and everyday life. Helping the child control impulsivity may require consistent and concerted effort from everyone concerned. Modeling rather than talking through control techniques should be used.
When other people do not understand the reasons for this behavior it often leads to rejection and criticism from others. Impulsivity can therefore lead to social isolation as the person alienates existing friendships and cannot make new ones.
Impulsivity often arises in situations where the person is confused or fearful. These can be minimized by a predictable daily schedule. Also any outbursts should not be automatically written off as impulsivity and ignored. It may be indicating a cause of fear or confusion that needs to be dealt with. When lack of awareness is not an issue the person may apologize later. Try to be sensitive to this despite any lingering anger or annoyance on your part. Prolonged complaints about the behavior afterward are not likely to help as usually their lack of control was not by choice on their part.
Try to remember it is the impulsivity that is at fault, not your loved one. Generally they will not be speaking or acting intentionally to annoy you or hurt your feelings. Separating the person from the behavior can go a long way to coping with the situation.
Dealing with impulsivity
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