As you no doubt already know, each and every study being done ends up showing us that more and more people are becoming overweight, and even more alarming is the fact that this is nowadays also applicable to school kids.

as far as being overweight is concerned, there are several potential causes, such as overeating, lack of exercise, and even genetics. Also, as we get older our metabolism begins slowing down, and this of course means that our bodies are no longer able to burn up food as efficiently.
Fortunately there are several options available, and while many people have opted to go under the knife, others prefer to change their diet and begin doing regular exercise.
Because this last approach requires a considerable amount of time and effort, many people become impatient and want to achieve weight loss as quickly as possible, thus leading to them taking various weight loss drugs.
During the period from the nineteen fifties to the nineteen nineties, it wasn't uncommon for doctors to prescribe weight loss drugs which had the ability to increase serotonin levels in the brain. This in turn would allow a person to feel full, and as a result, it would cause a person's metabolic rate to increase.
This continued to be a popular approach for those concerned with weight loss until such time that scientists began noticing that some of these drugs were causing undesirable side effects.
As these drugs were removed from the shelves, pharmaceutical companies soon began manufacturing new weight loss drugs, many of which have still not been approved by the FDA.
Practically everyone nowadays knows at least one or two people who have used diet pills in the past and enjoyed remarkable results. Let's face it; many people love the idea of being able to simply take a tablet in order to lose weight, rather than having to make any lifestyle changes.
It is this hunger for an easy way out that has resulted in consumers spending billions of dollars, all of which end up inside the coffers of giant companies.
As I'm sure you'll already know, weight loss pills can either be purchased in the form of over-the-counter drugs, or they can be obtained with a doctor's prescription. Unfortunately however, even though medical science has advanced in leaps and bounds, many of these new weight loss drugs still have the potential to cause serious health problems.
For example, an overdose of these drugs often results in hallucinations, confusion, difficulty breathing, convulsions, renal failure, and even a possible heart attack.
Of course the severity of the side effects depends largely on the health and lifestyle of the person taking the drugs. This is why it's so extremely important to consult with a doctor before taking any such medication.
Furthermore, several studies have shown that when a person stops using certain weight loss drugs, they often begin experiencing other side effects, much the same has the withdrawal symptoms experienced by drug addicts. These side effects include but are not limited to:
ü Hyperactivity
ü Nausea
ü Trembling
ü Depression
ü Fatigue
ü Irritability
ü Abdominal pain
ü Insomnia
ü Mood swings
One should also bear in mind that even though many weight loss drugs are backed by clinical studies, the success of such drugs depends largely on whether or not a person is also on a low calorie diet, together with an effective exercise routine.
You also need to bear in mind that a good diet should essentially include some food from all the different food groups. For example, a good diet should include plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
In order to ensure you get enough exercise, you could always consider going for a short jog each morning, or perhaps even signing up for a gym membership. Of course, irrespective of how healthy your diet is, you should always consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise routine.
Essentially, for an exercise plan to be effective in terms of weight loss, it should include cardiovascular exercises as well as some weight training exercises. Not only will this approach help to ensure you're burning a sufficient amount of calories, but it will also help you to increase your muscle mass.