What a Pediatric Dentist Can Do For Kids
A pediatric dentist can do a lot for your child. Here are some things to think about.
A pediatric dentist is an oral health care practitioner who specializes in taking care of the teeth,

gums and mouths of the younger crowd. Babies through adolescents can get specialized treatment to suit their needs from a pediatric dentist. Cavities and dental decay are a couple of the top childhood ailments. These problems can cause pain and lead to serious consequences due to the spread of infection. All parents want the best for their kids. One of the best things that a parent can do for their child is to instill good oral hygiene habits into their routines so that they will maintain them for their lifetime. Here are some things to think about related to how a pediatric dentist can help the healthy development of your child's teeth:
- Earliest childhood: Babies begin to get their teeth at six months to one year of age. The first ones to appear are usually the bottom two central incisors. Teething can cause kids to exhibit fussiness, drooling and chewing on everything. Teethers are rubber pacifier-like devices that they can chew away on. This may provide relief and help push those incisors through. Baby teeth should be cleaned as soon as they begin to emerge. Tots should never be put to bed with a bottle of juice or other sweet beverage as this can rot away the enamel which is sprouting and create a condition known as "bottle mouth."
- 3 - 4 year olds: By this age range, most of the 20 childhood teeth will usually have emerged. Children still need help brushing them and should be taught to only use small amounts of toothpaste. The first trip to a pediatric dentist should be made in early childhood in order to establish good habits and provide cleaning and exams by the dental staff.
- 6-12 years of age: During this range in childhood, the first pearly whites begin to fall out and be replaced by permanent ones that will hopefully last throughout their lives. The first ones to fall out are usually the same ones that grow in. Some educational philosophies believe that the first tooth loss is an indication of developmental readiness for reading. Many customs celebrate this milestone by rituals including the Western tradition of a tooth fairy.
- They are what they eat: Just as adults are affected by what they eat, kids' bodies and overall wellbeing are profoundly impacted by their diet. A basic template of healthy nutrition includes whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins and plenty of water. Soda pop and excessive treats are bad for the waistline, energy levels and lead to tooth decay. Teach children good dietary habits and the kids will follow them for a lifetime.
- Earlier orthodontia: Modern orthodontists believe that it is better to begin tooth straightening at an earlier age. Years ago, it was thought that the teen years were ideal, but this isn't the case today. Children as early as age seven can begin to have their teeth aligned. Early intervention can lead to fewer tooth pullings and a shorter time in braces.
The pediatric dentist can make a big difference in keeping kids' oral health at a tiptop level. Healthier teeth, gums and mouths lead to healthier children.