What Are The Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure In Women

Aug 17


M. Lewis

M. Lewis

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Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure In Women; Having high blood pressure can lead to many different things. If one has high blood pressure it puts them at a higher risk for developing kidney disease, and heart disease.

High Blood pressure is also known as hypertension. What it means is that there is pressure in the arteries that carry the blood to the heart. Having high blood pressure can lead to many different things. If one has high blood pressure it puts them at a higher risk for developing kidney disease,What Are The Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure In Women Articles and heart disease. It can also lead to a stroke. Females are at a great risk for developing high blood pressure. Being overweight can also lead to high blood pressure. If a woman waist is bigger than 35 inches she has a high chance of developing high blood pressure. There are symptoms that women should watch out for; if you happen to get these symptoms you should go see a doctor. Acute Fatigue is a symptom. This is pretty much feeling tired and having very low energy. Sometimes this symptom will go unnoticed because usually women have a busy schedule to keep up with and they are tired to begin with. Abdominal Bloating is another symptom that women should be on the lookout for. Discomfort in chest or even pain in the chest is another symptom of high blood pressure. This is also another symptom that will be left unnoticed or even untreated. Many women think it's something else like acid reflux and they will think nothing of it. A few other symptoms that women may experience of high blood pressure are shortness of breath. If a you're having trouble breathing and it's not normal, you should  get it checked out immediately. Heart Palpitations is another sign that women should look out for. It is an irregular heartbeat. One symptom that will be noticeable is pelvic pain during intercourse. The reason this is noticeable is because it is not normal to have pelvic pain during intercourse and a woman will notice it right away. There are several Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure In Women that will go unnoticed or they will think it is a symptom of some other cause. Usually the cause you think it is from is never usually dangerous so you never go to the doctor to get it checked out. High Blood pressure is serious and it can lead to many other health risks. It is treatable and there's medication for it. This is why it is important that women pay attention to the symptoms and go to a doctor to get checked out. If they do have high blood pressure, then your doctor will be aware of it and help you treat it.