What Can Lead to Lower Abdominal Pain?
Interested in reading about some possible causes of lower abdominal pain? Check out this article for some details.
A number of different medical conditions can cause a patient to feel the sensation known as
lower abdominal pain. In this article,

you can read a little about some of the possibilities. Just remember that not every possible cause will be mentioned here, so if you are feeling lower abdominal pain, it doesn't mean that you have one of the conditions mentioned. On the flip side of the coin, it is possible for someone to have one of these conditions without having such a discomfort -- so a lack of this particular feeling does not
necessarily indicate that the person doesn't have the conditions mentioned.
Are you looking for professional advice? Please talk with a physician or other qualified person, if that is the case. This article is not meant to replace the advice that comes from a professional, nor should it be used to go against information given by such a person. Just because you read something that is contrary in this article, don't assume that your doctor is wrong by going with the information here!
One of the potential causes of lower abdominal pain is a urinary tract infection. These commonly are caused by
E. coli, but other bacterial infections can also be behind them. Both the bladder and the kidneys can be affected. Sometimes, these are simply referred to as UTIs.
Ulcerative colitis is one other possible medical cause. In this condition, ulcers form on the colon. These are sores spots where there is a break in the mucous membranes. Bloody diarrhea is the characteristic symptom.