What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery And Who Is It For?

May 9


Aloysius Aucoin

Aloysius Aucoin

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This talks about what rhinoplasty surgery is and who can have it.

Rhinoplasty surgery,What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery And Who Is It For? Articles usually simply called a nose job, is a procedure done by plastic surgeons for either correcting or reconstructing the form and functions of the nose. Sometimes rhinoplasty surgery is necessary for those with damaged noses. For instance if they have a deviated septum or some kind of blockage that is hampering their ability to breathe correctly, then they should undergo a rhinoplasty surgery. Sometimes it is necessary if the person had a birth defect of some kind that again hinders their ability to breath, a procedure would be necessary.

Sometimes though, a rhinoplasty surgery is completely for cosmetic reasons. For instance, there are some people who think their nose is too big or perhaps the wrong shape, then they elect to get the procedure. They will usually decide what they want their nose to ultimately look like, and the doctors will work to make it so. For any of these reasons, the procedure requires the doctor to separate the skin around the nose from the actual soft tissue and cartilage (which is what a nose is made of), and then make them correct, either functionally or visually. Of course they also then have to close up the incisions and they usually leave a stent in the nose to hold it in place so that the nose holds the form that the doctor intended it to have post operation. It also ensures that the incisions heal the way they are supposed to.

The whole procedure actually originated in ancient India by an ayuryedic surgeon around 800 BC. They first did the procedures to rebuild the ears, noses and other body parts that had been removed as a result of military, criminal, or religious punishments. What they developed back then, is actually still used to this day to rebuild a nose.

Usually, before a patient can undergo the procedure, the doctor has to evaluate the patient to make sure that they are both physically and mentally up to having the operation. The patient will have to tell the doctor what difficulties they are having with their nose that requires the operation, or what physical aspects of their nose they do not like and why they want their nose changed. The doctor usually asks about those problems and if they have had any other previous operations to try to help. The reason they ask these things is not just to make sure that a person is physically able to go through the procedure without any complications or allergic reactions, but also if they are mentally sound. If the patient is too concerned with perfection then it could mean that they will not be satisfied with just one procedure. If a person who is narcissistic and overly concerned with perfection gets a procedure, it is likely that they will just want to continue to get them. Getting too many surgeries is bad for the body, so that's why the doctor needs to make sure the patient is mentally healthy before the operation.

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