What Is the Abortion Pill? Get The Facts
The abortion pill is something that many people are considering as an alternative for eliminating pregnancy. Know all of the facts before you make this decision.
For some women,
the abortion pill may be the ideal choice. When making this decision, discuss the situation with your doctor at length. In some cases, it may be best for you to select this type of method for eliminating the pregnancy. However, this is a decision you and your doctor should make only with all of the information possible. In doing so, you are likely to make a decision that is best for you and for the long-term benefits that you are looking for. Do not assume this is the best option for your needs. Consider them all.
What You Should Know
For some, the abortion pill is the best option available. It is an alternative to a traditional surgical procedure. These surgical procedures involve the removal of the pregnancy with a suction curettage. This procedure is significantly invasive and, though it is not commonly painful today, it can be for some women. With a medical procedure instead, using pills, there is a significant difference in the way the procedure works. Rather than suction, this method allows for the pregnancy growth to stop. There are a few things to know about this procedure before you elect to have it.
• The process involves two steps. The first is taking pills that stop the growth of the pregnancy. The second step occurs 36 hours later when pills are taken by mouth to cause a miscarriage.
• This is not a new technology. In other words, it has gone through numerous trials in the past and had good results for those who used it. Most patients do not report any serious side effects from the process. There are no known long-term risks to the woman having this procedure.
• The success rate for this procedure is 95 percent by most estimates. It is most effective when used within the first eight weeks of the pregnancy.
• You should know about some complications including the risk of excessive bleeding, severe pain, vomiting, and pain. In some cases, the woman may need additional medical attention to overcome these symptoms.
Is this the right decision for you? You must first make the decision to have this procedure. After soul searching and making a decision that is ultimately right for you, talk to your doctor about the use of this product. In doing so, you may find that the process is easier to manage. The abortion pill is an option many women have, though it is up to you to make the ultimate decision about which method and procedure is right for your needs and for your body. Do understand the decision is final and it is not possible to reverse.