What Kind of Diet Can Prevent Emphysema?
There is still no cure for emphysema; however, a healthy diet may play an important role in preventing the condition from occurring. Moreover, a change in diet can be a highly effective treatment when combined with nutritional supplements and vitamins.
Emphysema is a condition which affects the respiratory system. Millions of people suffer from this condition,

but an effective treatment for it is still being researched, and no cure yet exists. However, natural treatment for emphysema may effectively prevent it from occurring, or may alleviate its symptoms. Natural treatment of emphysema(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Emphysema.html) refers to nutritional supplements and vitamins that are not only important for the body's health, but also can be taken to fight infections and prevent various kinds of diseases. Emphysema sufferers consume more energy, or calories, when breathing than healthy individuals. The appropriate vitamins and nutritional supplements are focused on lung system recovery and repair. Natural supplements for emphysema(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Emphysema.html) contain such important components as Ginkgo Biloba and Astragalus, which can help peripheral circulation and enhance the immune system. There are various risk factors of emphysema such as genes, lung growth, tobacco consumption, air pollution or infections. The fact is that you must recognize the relationship between emphysema and diet if you want to prevent this condition or effectively treat it. Take those who are obese, example: it is already more difficult for obese people to breathe than those at a normal weight. If one is both obese and suffering from emphysema, the situation will be complicated by an extra burden on the heart and lungs. Therefore it is advisable for emphysema sufferers to shed any extra weight, which is something that can be done by watching the diet. In this way, we can say that a healthy diet is a useful way to prevent emphysema. Where to start? Are there any points requiring special attention? Sure. First your must know clearly which aspect of your diet is the main trigger of your condition, so you can avoid it. Maintaining healthy eating habits includes finding triggers as soon as possible, quitting smoking, losing weight if overweight, and adjusting your diet to gear it towards emphysema(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Emphysema.html) prevention. Some detailed diet suggestions are as follows:? Avoid large meals. It's better to eat less at every meal, and eat four or five times per day. You may feel little short of breath if your stomach is too full. ? Drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses per day, but avoid caffeine and alcohol which can interfere with your medications. ? Limit your salt intake. Excess sodium will cause your body to keep or retain too much water, which might cause your breathing to be more difficult. ? Eat more food rich in potassium, such as oranges, bananas, potatoes, and tomatoes. ? If you are overweight, lose the excess weight. ? High-fiber foods are also should added into your diet listing as fiber can help move the food along the digestive tract and can also reduce your cholesterol level. Such kinds of foods are easily found, for example, bran, cereals, rice, beans and fresh vegetables and fruits.