What Makes Microtia Treatment So Beneficial for Children?
Although microtia can be problematic for children, there are treatments available to help them deal with their issue.
Microtia is a deformity or birth defect that causes at least part of the outer ear to be underdeveloped. In other words,

part of the ear is actually missing. There are 4 main stages of this particular defect. The first one, known as grade 1, produces a minimal deformity where one ear is slightly smaller than an average-sized one. Someone dealing with this particular grade is still able to hear somewhat normally. Grade 2, on the other hand, makes it nearly impossible to hear. That's because the canal is closed off and only part of the ear is actually formed. The next level causes even more issues. Someone experiencing a grade 3 deformity has only a very small trace of an outer ear, with no canal and no eardrum. The most severe level is level 4. In this grade there is a total absence of an ear.
The most common grade of this deformity is actually the third one. The good news is that it can be corrected surgically. Getting treatment for this defect isn't something that should be taken lightly, especially for those who have children who were born with this issue.
One of the main reasons that this issue should be treated is because of the hearing loss that comes along with it. Not being able to hear is more than just a minor inconvenience. However, it transforms a person's entire way of life. Having to deal with such an issue can be extremely difficult for anyone, let alone a young child. First of all, it causes them to automatically feel like an outcast because they will be unable to easily communicate with their peers.
For instance, they could be out on the schoolyard with a group of children. Everyone is talking, chatting and laughing. However, instead of spending their time enjoying their free time like everyone else, they would be too busy trying to decipher what is being said.
Not only could microtia cause communication issues, it could also make a child a target for teasing. People in general are afraid of what they don't understand or what is seen as outside the norm. The good thing about being an adult is that they are able to mask some of their misunderstandings and keep quiet about them, when necessary. However, this is more difficult for children. That's because many of them haven't yet learned tact. So, if they were to see a child with part of their ear missing, they would most likely be very vocal about it.
Allowing a child to get treatment for microtia is one of the best things any parent can do. This will help to ensure that they can communicate more effectively and fit in with their peers.