What to Expect After Your Eyelid Surgery
This article discusses a list of things to expect throughout your recovery from eyelid surgery. Read on to learn more about this procedure.
Many individuals look to eyelid surgery as a way to look younger,

more alert and healthy. While the procedure is often performed in conjunction with a facelift, it can also be done on it’s own. The treatment works to remove excess fat and skin surrounding the eyes as a way to counteract the effects of age and genetics. Whether you are considering the lower or upper lids for your procedure, you should be aware that it is always a delicate operation. Any little bit of help you can provide yourself will aid in saving you added stress, pain and downtime, and thus, in this article we have provided a list of what you should expect during your recovery, as well as a few helpful hints to make the time fly by.
Step 1: Due to the fact that this particular procedure is now predominately performed on an outpatient basis, you should expect to be released and headed home only a few hours into your recovery. Your eyes will be covered with lubricant and bandages, and you will be instructed to keep your head elevated to allow for proper drainage and circulation. Your performing surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and pain medication. This aids in preventing infection, and helps to alleviate any pain and discomfort during your initial recovery. Should you begin to experience severe pain, or if you happen to notice it becoming worse, call your doctor immediately for further instruction.
Step 2: Throughout your recovery, makeup, facial products and contacts should be avoided. Be sure to follow all instructions pertaining to these items until you are fully healed, or use as approved by your physician. Alcohol should also be avoided due to a possible reaction with the medication.
Step 3: Eye drops will also be prescribed to keep your eyes lubricated during your recovery. Be sure to use as directed in order to prevent any itching, added sensitivity or burning. You will also be given advice regarding the proper care and cleaning techniques you should use. Cold compresses are generally recommended as well.
Step 4: Keep in mind that your vision will be blurry for the first few days after your procedure. Construct an area for yourself prior to your surgical date that you can relax and entertain yourself in. Keep a few books on tape and your favorite musical selections handy to keep yourself busy.
Step 5: Stitches are generally removed about a week after the operation. Expect the swelling to decrease substantially around the same time.
Step 6: Depending on your individual circumstances, you may be advised to keep away from bright lights, such as the TV, computer or sun. Keep a pair of sunglasses around for use in situations where you may be exposed.
Step 7: Take this opportunity to start treating yourself right. If you smoke, now’s the time to quit. If you’ve wanted to kick your fast food habit, stock up on healthy items at your local grocer and find some new flavors. Treating yourself well is key to a quick and successful recovery. Be sure to avoid stressful activities for at least a month and focus on getting back out there.