What to Expect After Your Surgery
In this article, find out what you should experience in the days and weeks following your breast augmentation surgery. You'll have to make some accommodations, but it'll be worth it.
After your breast augmentation surgery you should know exactly what to expect in recovery and in shortly following recovery so you will know what is normal and what isn’t normal.
Immediately after your surgery you will be taken into recovery while you recover from the effects of the anesthesia which can make you amnesic,

sleepy and confused. You will likely be in recovery two hours or so and then you will be allowed to go home and recoup. You should have someone with you to drive you home and you should have someone with you to care for you the first couple of days while you recover from the worst of it. In addition to feeling sleepy and confused you may also feel nauseated from the anesthesia and you may feel very cold from the medications, the temperature of the operating room and/or the ice packs that are placed on your implants after surgery to help reduce swelling.
Your doctor will send you home with pain medication which you will need to take so your recovery time isn’t more painful than necessary as well as a supply of antibiotics that you will need to finish off to avoid any post op infections.
You will also likely be discharged with drainage tubes in place to help get rid of excessive fluid which is natural after surgery. The fluid draining should be pink or brown. Let your doctor know immediately if it is any other color other than what you have been told to expect. These tubes need to be kept cleaned and drained and your doctor will explain how to do this to you or your caregiver. Don’t worry the drainage tubes are only a short term necessity and will be removed during your first follow up visit.
Finally during the first week or so of your recovery you will not be able to shower because you can’t get your stitches or incisions wet and you won’t be able to wash your hair because you won’t be able to lift your arms above your head for the first week or so. Bear this in mind before surgery and wash your hair before your surgery date so you can make it the week until you can do it yourself again.
And finally a bit of advice- as soon as you are able to do so you should get out of bed and walk- even if it’s just to the bathroom in order to keep your blood circulating. Blood clots can form after any surgery if you are immobile to long and they can be life threatening. Simply walking about make your recovery time shorter and reduces your chances of a blood clot forming and disrupting your recovery.
Be sure to talk to your doctor before your surgery about what to expect after your surgery so you can make sure you have a qualified caregiver to help you and so you won’t be alarmed by how your body reacts to the trauma that surgery can cause.