What You Should Know About Signs of False Pregnancy
Some women, for differing reasons, may come to believe they are pregnant when they are not. They should know that many of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy can be caused by other things.
For many women,

pregnancy is a wonderful idea since it means that they will be able to bring a new life into the world, their own flesh and blood. And it provides them with a responsibility and a duty to bring up a child, which appeals to their maternal instincts. Some women, though, are afraid of being pregnant and undertake measures to avoid becoming pregnant. Because of this, signs of pregnancy can be taken too seriously and a woman may find herself going through a false pregnancy.
False pregnancy, also known as pseudocyesis, is a medical condition where a woman believes that she is pregnant, when she is in fact not pregnant. There are several reasons for a woman to think that she is pregnant, especially if they suffer from the trauma of losing a child or not being able to conceive a child.
Usually, the women who have pseudocyesis have the intense desire to become pregnant or fear becoming pregnant because of this, are constantly looking out for signs that they could be pregnant. The body creates signs of being pregnant due to this emotional state and the increased amount of hormones produced because of stress and anxiety.
It is important to be able to distinguish false pregnancy from a real pregnancy, since there are several physical signs of pregnancy which occur even during false pregnancies. The most common sign of pregnancy that women with pseudocyesis have is the cessation of their period. This could be due to stress or other outside factors, and does not necessarily mean that one is pregnant.
Another sign would be the enlargement or tenderness of the breasts. This could be natural growth, or even because of hormones or a menstruation. It does not always connote pregnancy. Cravings for odd foods can also be caused by hormones, and is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy.
Morning sickness is something that leads most people to believe that they are pregnant, but this too can be attributed to hormones. Also, when one is stressed or nervous the immune system is lower and one is more susceptible to disease and nausea. Some women feel that their abdomen is expanding and they feel bloated. A buildup of bodily wastes can cause this to happen as well, so if you feel this sign it is important to go to a doctor to have it checked out.
The best way to be sure of whether or not a woman is pregnant is to have a blood test at a clinic, since these are very accurate. If it tests positive, then it is likely that the woman is pregnant and will have a baby soon. If the test comes out negative, and the patient is still convinced that she is pregnant, the only way to solve the problem is for the woman to go through counseling and therapy, to get over her state of pseudocyesis.