WHEN THE DUST ... recorded cases, where exposure to toxins, airborne ... and wood dust, among many other ... are ... our ... of a very real and serious risk to our f
Many recorded cases, where exposure to toxins, airborne pollutants and wood dust, among many other chemicals, are awakening our awareness of a very real and serious risk to our future health and our very right to live a normal healthy life with our family.
Occupational respiratory illnesses can occur whenever dust, fumes, vapor or smoke are present in the work environment. Early recognition, wearing effective safety repiratory equipment, and being aware of the risks of these diseases, may help prevent permanent impairment and disability.
There are many articles and statistics, and real life cases documented, to make us realize that it is becoming alarmingly obvious that we cannot afford to ignore, or be lethargic in our approach to our health. If we do not take the time to look into what we are exposing ourselves and our family to everyday, in the workplace and even in our own homes, we are paying a high price that could be putting serious risk on our loved ones lives. Major risks to our health come in the form of occupational asthma and other serious respiratory diseases which can be linked to exposure to toxics and dust in home workshops, factories, workplaces, even around our homes, where there is dust and airborne pollutants present.
A major concern is our children who are at risk of contracting potential killer diseases through our ignorance to the dangers of dusts etc we carry home on our work clothes.
Cases are documented where children have contacted serious diseases from contact with their parents clothes, hair and even the furniture they sit on, which are contaminated with dust and toxins from their workplace.
We need to take a long serious look at the information that is provided, to warn us of all possible risks to ourselves and our families for their long term health and vitality and quality of life – free from respiratory conditions and possible fatal disease – that could be avoided.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer has evaluated the cancer risks from workplace exposures within an number of wood industries. The IARC has classified wood dust as a Group 1 carcinogen (likely to cause cancer) to humans. This classification is the result of a distinct increase in the occurrence of cancer of the nasal cavities and Para nasal sinuses among workers exposed to hardwood dust.
It is the responsibility of workplace employers to provide adequate safety and respiratory equipment for the protection of employees long term health.
Both employers and employees need to be educated of the importance of protecting themselves and their families more by wearing protective clothing and equipment.