When to Talk About Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction can be something you have trouble considering. Co not be afraid to talk to your doctor to get advice.
Breast reconstruction is a procedure in which a person's body can be transformed into a natural shape and size after having a procedure like a mastectomy. In many cases of cancer,
women will lose some or all of their breast's tissues. When that happens, it is usually to help prevent the cancerous cells from spreading and to, in fact, cure the condition from your body. Yet, there are new treatments available and new procedures that allow many women to remain more of their natural self after doing battle with this disease.
Talk to Your Doctor
For those who are facing mastectomy, it is a good idea to talk to your surgeon about the procedure in full prior to making the decision to go forward. There are new procedures that allow for less loss of tissue and a more natural result after the procedure is complete. For example, some procedures allow for the skin and the nipple to remain after the tissues are removed. By doing this, the surgeon creates a new way to restore the tissues and recreate your natural looking breasts.
There are various types of breast reconstruction available to cosmetic surgeons today. Before you make the decision to have mastectomy, set up a consultation with a surgeon that performs these procedures to ask him or her about the options and about what will work in your individual case. Determine what the best result will be for you. The surgeon will talk to you about your options including the use of implants or the use of other tissues from other areas of your body.
This initial consultation is a good opportunity to ask questions and to get more information about the procedure as well as what it will mean for you going forward. This is also a good time to talk about options. Discuss the risks of any procedure, especially as it relates to your battle against cancer, so you fully understand what to expect before you go forward with the procedure. This initial consultation is a good time to get to know the surgeon too. You will want to feel comfortable working with him or her before going into the procedure.
For many people, breast reconstruction tends to be something to talk about after the mastectomy happens. However, that may be a mistake. Talk to your surgeon prior to it so you can begin to plan for the best way to overcome these changes. By planning to reconstruct prior to the procedure, you can ensure there is an opportunity for you to do so. Discuss your needs and desires with your surgeon and find out what your options really are.