The wrinkles around your eyes, otherwise known as Crow's Feet, can be caused by a number of reasons. The most prominent reason for those eye wrinkles are the consant movements of our muscles when we squint or smile. The author talks about this exact reason and how you can reverse those eye wrinkles and smile without any repercussions.
Have you ever noticed in a lot of people that when they start to smile their eyes smile right along with their mouth? It is such an enjoyable thing to see. They look like they are honestly smiling from their heart and enjoying every minute of it. The only down side to this instance is the fact that this kind of smiling eventually can produce some very unsettling results for the smiler.
This is because as we age our skin does as well. The production of certain molecules starts to fade and the continuous muscle movement that we experience through smiling and other types of facial expressions begins to stay on the skin. This is the beginning of eye wrinkles and laugh lines, which in my opinion is not a big deal, but to some it can be. So what should we do to reverse these signs of aging on our skin?
First, you need to know the exact factor that allow for our skin to lack that “bounce back” quality. These are the Collagen and Fibronectin cells and the lack there of allows for the appearance of eye wrinkles to form. When our skin is full of Collagen and Fibronectin, the continuous muscles movements that happen as we smile have no effect on our skin because the cells are there to make sure the skin goes back to its original position. As I said above, when we age and our body cannot produce as much, the skin is not going to have the same ability as before.
After we realize this, we know what will help and what will not. What I mean by this is that we will be able to discriminate between an eye wrinkle product that is going to go after the anti aging process of producing more Collagen and Fibronectin and others that will only help with moisturizing the skin; nothing to do with the eye wrinkles. For example; an ingredient by the name of Matrixyl that is included in many eye wrinkle treatments does just this. Matrixyl works at a DNA level to kick start the Collagen and Fibronectin production line, making your body work the way it did ten years ago. Eventually, the increased level of these cells will fill out the wrinkles and lines that we might have been experiencing making our skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom. And this is just one of the amazing ingredients out there that can help you with your eye wrinkle issue.
If you know that you smile with your whole face involved and do not want to see eye wrinkles form, perhaps using an eye cream featuring Matrixyl or other healing qualities will be a good thing to start. Even though you may not have any lines or wrinkles yet, you can still apply an eye cream to give your eyes more time before the aging process hits home. Please do not stop smiling, just make sure you have all your bases covered. Ironically enough, this should make you smile more. Enjoy your freedom from aging.
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