Whole Health Therapy
Whole Health Therapy for Fibromyalgia is a one of a kind holistic treatment. The term Whole Health is used to denote that this therapy not only promot...
Whole Health Therapy for Fibromyalgia is a one of a kind holistic treatment. The term Whole Health is used to denote that this therapy not only promotes relief of symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia but also retains health and balance to all parts of the being (including the physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects). In this way, healing takes place at the root of the dis-ease so that as symptoms dissipate and disappear the effect is lasting.
Treatment is flexible working closely with each person to help manage symptoms, explore deeper levels of healing, and mentor healthy self care as necessary. Resources are available for short term management or as part of a personalized health care program. In this way, Fibromyalgia sufferers are given influence and control over their healing allowing care to be tailored to the individual.
At the heart of Whole Health Therapy is a special Reiki formula which combines 12 healing energies from six different healing traditions. When applied together, this combination has been shown to decrease the presence and intensity of Fibromyalgia related symptoms while reducing the average number of flare ups experienced. In fact, international testing has been completed showing the significant statistical proven benefits of this therapy.
Whole Health Therapy for Fibromyalgia is broken up into three general healing stages: Symptom Management, Core Healing, and Self Care. As the name suggests, Symptom Management seeks to gain control and provide relief from Fibromyalgia related symptoms. Core Healing probes deeper into the mental and emotional expressions of this condition. Finally, Self Care teaches healthy self reliance and self healing techniques.