Why Normally Men Lose Their Hairs So Quickly

Aug 25


Mohsin Iqbal

Mohsin Iqbal

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Read about the technicalities that why men lose their hair quickly.

It usually seen that man get bald more quickly or loss their hairs more quickly than a women. Mostly men lose their hairs from the crown area because crown area scalp is oilier and have more dandruff problems then other area of head. On the other hand those men who bind their hair in form of pony tails are more likely and quickly lose their hairs then others. There are several reasons that man lose their hair more quickly the women some of them are given below: Food & Nutrition The food we intake daily is more responsible for hair loss than anything else. Men of this modern era prefer to eat more junk food and having a more bad routine of work and sleep than ever before. Due to this reason we see even young boys of 20’s start shading their hairs. Stress and Tension Now a day’s stress begins in our life from the age to 16 to 17 as we apply for high school because everyone is in the race of getting high grades. Mostly student’s thinks that their higher grades can get a great job for them but in reality grades count only 30% in interview rest of 70% depends on your personality and attitude. When they got a job then men life is revolve around achieving their targets which require lots of stress and tension. These all cause rapid hair fall start from the age of 20’s. Obsessive Use OF Drugs and Alcohol Obsessive use of drugs and alcohol also a cause of rapid hair fall because it cause hormonal disturbance,Why Normally Men Lose Their Hairs So Quickly Articles high blood pressure which cause hair fall and obsessive fats in body.  Genetics Those who got baldness in their genes it’s more likely that they lose their hair after reaching 30. But hair loss in 20’s is absolutely abnormal because it indicates that something extremely going wrong with your body and you immediately needs a cure. Major Surgeries and Stomach Disorder After having major surgeries like heart surgery, liver or kidney transplant people rapidly lose their hair not just from head but also from legs and arms. On the other hand those who have stomach disorder they also lose their hairs quickly. Hormonal Imbalance and Acne Those men who have hormonal imbalance, acne problem and have very oily scalp they lose their airs quickly than those guys who have normal skin type. These are some diseases; if somebody got them then they are in trouble. But the use of TrichoZed capsules daily can really prevent you from such disorders and can re-grow your hairs and make you attractive.