Why You Probably Shouldn't Be Your Own Dermatologist
Becoming a do-it-yourself dermatologist is a growing phenomenon. However, it may not be the best idea.
In an effort to save money,

many people have turned to the do-it-yourself phenomenon. Therefore, people have become their own hairstylist, chef and even their own exercise guru. Although it is not all bad, there comes a time when it is actually better for people to get assistance, like when it comes to skin care, for example. There are several reasons why it is best not to become a do-it-yourself dermatologist.
First of all, these professionals have spent years studying their field and their craft. So, they have a level of knowledge, skill and expertise that the average person doesn't possess. This is reason enough for someone to have at least a little bit of confidence in a skin specialist's skills and abilities. Many mistakes can be avoided by soliciting their assistance.
For example, in a quest to take care of their own skin, some people turn to store-bought items. This isn't bad in and of itself. However, the problem lies in the fact that the person doesn't really know which cream or medication is best for them. They don't realize that choosing the wrong medicine could actually cause their skin issues to worsen and cause their skin to become dry. This isn't to say that a prescribed medication may not cause some dryness. However, at least the dermatologist is able to monitor the effects and quickly prescribe an effective alternative. On the other hand, if someone had to try to solve the issue on their own, they would end up going back to the store making another blind choice. This causes a lot of trial and error episodes that could have been avoided.
Going back and forth, searching for the proper medicine or cream can cause a person to spend excessive amounts of money, which can be expensive, time-consuming and agitating. Although a dermatologist may have a few trial and error moments, it won't be as many as if someone were to go out and search for himself.
As mentioned before, a dermatologist is also able to properly monitor progress. So, someone may believe that they are doing okay, but the professional may realize that the progress should be occurring at a much faster pace. Therefore, they may prescribe a bigger dose to help speed up the results. On the other hand, someone may think they aren't doing very well, which causes them to want to switch out their medication, but the specialist is able to see that the person is only experiencing the initial side effects.
These professionals are far more knowledgeable and valuable than some people even realize. They are able to see things that the average person can't. They have spent years studying in their field, which has allowed them to become experts in their own right.