Is there anything quite as miserable as a yeast infection? Many people think it affects just women but nothing can be further form the truth. In fact,...
Is there anything quite as miserable as a yeast infection? Many people think it affects just women but nothing can be further form the truth. In fact, babies and men are a large percentage of those affected by yeast infections overall. So, we all share something in common and fortunately there is a yeast infection cure available and it does not include expensive medication of include up front doctor fees (I can attest to how quickly those co-pays add up, ouchh!). There are some great natural treatments available for those who suffer form the candida build up, let's take a look at a few.
Apple Cider Vinegar - Nothing earth shattering here as you have surely heard this before. I hope you have tried this great natural treatment as it can bring about quick results for the acute episode of yeast infection. However, like all natural treatments - they do not always work. Let's look at a few other remedies.
Plain Yogurt - It is all about the acidophilus. The "good bacteria" helps take care of the candida that builds up and causes the yeast problem. For vaginal yeast infections, a tampon dipped in yogurt and carefully inserted can be very helpful.
Garlic. - This is a great answer to more problems then just a yeast infection. Cure all? No but close. Garlic has amazing healing properties and works really well against yeast buildup.
If you are looking for a great resource that really deals with the subject of Yeast Infection Cure than check out the link below.
For more information about yeast infection, please visit Yeast Infection Natural Cures