Yeast Infection Natural Remedies - Natural Cures Right Inside Your Home

Jul 20


Dean Forster

Dean Forster

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Natural yeast infection remedies commonly found in the home for relief of symptoms brought about by this fungal infection


Various yeast infection natural remedies can be found right inside your home. From the kitchen to the garden to your bathroom cabinet,Yeast Infection Natural Remedies - Natural Cures Right Inside Your Home Articles these cures can be easily prepared and do not require a trip to the drugstore. If you are suffering from yeast infection or Candidiasis, here are some natural treatment methods that you can concoct using ingredients that can be found inside your house.

1. Garlic. This can be found in almost every kitchen. Garlic is not only a favorite cooking ingredient; it also has treatment functions and can be used to cure yeast infection. It can be crushed and applied directly to the affected areas to relieve itching and treat the infection. For vaginal Candidiasis, garlic can be wrapped in cheesecloth and made into a tampon using the string of unflavored floss and inserted inside the vagina.

2. Hydrogen peroxide. If you have a habit of bleaching your hair, chances are you'll find this material in your bathroom cabinet. It is said to have the ability to kill yeast. Mix it with water and use as a douche daily until the symptoms disappear.

3. Cranberries. Another natural treatment that can be found in the kitchen, cranberry juice is highly recommended to prevent urinary tract infection. In the same manner, it can be used as a cure for yeast infection. Eating the fruit or making a juice out of it can help minimize the chances of Candidiasis from ever occurring.

4. Vinegar. Mixed with the right amount of water, vinegar can be used as a douche to remedy vaginal Candida infection. Another way of using vinegar is by soaking a cotton ball and dabbing it on the affected areas. Apple cider vinegar is the one that is commonly used to treat yeast infection.

5. Boric acid. Often used as an antiseptic, boric acid is known for its antifungal properties. It is considered as one of the highly effective home cures for Candidiasis. It can be applied directly to the vulvar area or the penis or any part of the body that is affected by the infection.

6. Lemon juice. Mixed with water, lemon juice can be used as a vaginal douche or can be applied to other parts of the body using a cotton ball. If the yeast infection is only just starting, this mixture can be relied upon to get rid of redness, itching and eliminate the burning sensation that is often associated with Candidiasis.

A number of yeast infection natural remedies are available at your own home. All you need is a few minutes to make the necessary mixtures and you'll be able to find relief from the symptoms brought by this fungal infection.