A yeast infection can be very irritating and quite embarrassing at times. This article covers the most common natural yeast infection remedies that have been proven to work for generations.
If you are like me, when you get a yeast infection you just want it GONE. And by gone, I mean like yesterday. So to accomplish that you want the best and quickest yeast infection remedy there is. Do you by any chance know what any of those yeast infection remedies are? Well I do and fortunately for you, I was taught to always share.
Before I go on to the list of any type of yeast infection remedy, it might be good to let you know why they actually come about. When you get a yeast infection it is most likely because of one of two things. First is too much moisture and too much moisture in a warm area is a breeding ground for yeast. To avoid a yeast infection from this type of yeast infection is to always try to wear panties that are made of natural fibers (or at least a crotch of natural fibers). The second most likely culprit is that your body has a low amount of acidophilus which is needed to fight the yeast and so without it to fight off the yeast; the yeast takes over and makes your life miserable for the duration of its stay. Talk about an unwanted guest.
So how do you go about replenishing the bodies natural acidophilus? My answer is one that might really surprise you but it's yogurt. Yogurt? Yep, yogurt. Know why? It's because yogurt actually contains acidophilus and so by using it you are giving yourself a boost in the most natural way you can. Keep in mind though that I'm talking about regular, unsweetened and unflavored yogurt. If you go trying to use the stuff with fruit and flavors your hoo-ha might end up smelling like a fruit salad and possibly even do more harm than good. So for this treatment just get the plain Jane stuff and douche with it. It's a little messy and all but well worth it. It's cheap, natural and works just as good. One thing to think about though is if you have some type of dairy allergy. If you do, please don't try this yeast infection remedy because I don't want hate mail telling me how stupid I am and horror stories involving swollen or hive covered anything.
If you do have some dairy allergies and can't use yogurt as a yeast infection remedy, then another natural yeast infection cure that I recommend is apple cider vinegar. I know that it doesn't smell great and is quite frankly not what you would imagine but there are even books written on the wonders of apple cider vinegar with a yeast infection remedy being one of those. To use this yeast infection remedy you simply add one cup of apple cider vinegar to a shallow tub of water and soak in the tub for about twenty minutes. I don't know about you but I'm always looking for an excuse to soak in the tub and this is one that my husband wouldn't mind as he's not allowed near me when I have a yeast infection so he's game for any type of yeast infection remedy. You can also douche with apple cider vinegar but don't get carried away as too much of a good thing is not always good and this is one of those times.
Now if you are one that thinks any type of home yeast infection remedy is a crock then you can take yourself to any pharmacy section of any store and buy whichever of the over the counter yeast infection treatments that you like. There are dozens of medical treatments for yeast infections ranging from three to seven days and come in a cream or suppository form. As with most any yeast infection remedy, it would be a good idea to wear some type of pad or pantyliner to keep the mess to a minimum. That's just good thinking.
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