You Have Insurance Options Even When You Suddenly Become Unemployed
Once you become unemployed you may believe that your only insurance option is to maintain the COBRA benefits that are being extended to you by your former employer. Since your decisions need to made relatively quickly about using this extended coverage or choosing another option, as soon as you become unemployed you will have some quick decisions to make.
Once you become unemployed you may believe that your only insurance option is to maintain the COBRA benefits that are being extended to you by your former employer. Since your decisions need to made relatively quickly about using this extended coverage or choosing another option,

as soon as you become unemployed you will have some quick decisions to make.
The best way to learn more about your COBRA options and the additional funds that the government will offer to help pay for this insurance may be found at your local unemployment office. This office can provide you the information you need to start making your decision.
While most companies offer their employees good benefits, when it comes to COBRA you will be paying the entire premiums yourself and this will usually more than double the amount that you are paying for your health insurance benefits and many people struggle to pay these premiums on their lesser salary. If you are relatively healthy or have other insurance options for your family members then you may want to consider just getting a private pay catastrophic health insurance plan to help you maintain health insurance while you are looking for a job. Many insurance companies even offer a short term or temporary health insurance option which may be more cost effective and will still help you to stay covered just in case.
Unfortunately, it COBRA will probably be the only option you will be presented with but there are many other options available to you and while choosing COBRA may seem like the easy answer you really need to do the leg work to determine if this is the best option that you have. Many individuals and family choose to opt out of COBRA and find a private insurance plan that costs them less and still meets their needs during the period that they are unemployed.
Looking at all the options can take a bit of time especially when you are looking for another job at the same time, but it is important to make an informed decision and choose wisely. I hope that you will not be unemployed for a long time, but in today's economy it is unclear how long the unemployment may last, so make sure you choose a policy amount and insurance premium you can live with for a year if need be.