In the last article - your visioning process, we covered the first step in reaching your dreams and desires which begins with having a clear vision of what you want in your life, what matters most, and where you would like to be. Congratulations, you’ve done some excellent work! Now let’s map out a path to follow so you may achieve your vision. Remember, dreams, goals, and visions come true when you follow through on them.
The first step to reaching your dreams and desires begins with a vision. Having a vision is important, but it is only a part of the success formula. It’s also important to set goals to support your vision.
So why is it so important to have goals?
Without goals, we lack focus and direction in our lives. But with goals, we give our lives a course or path that can lead us to success. Goals are like following a road map that is going to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.
You can begin by asking the following three questions:
#1-What’s most important?After you go through your visioning process, you come up many thoughts and ideas. Some are long-term, and some you can begin to focus on immediately. Some are big stretches, while others just may require some simple changes. It's time to sift through all of your discoveries and determine what’s most important.
#2-What do I want to work on now?There is not enough time in the day to work on everything that you want all at once. You will need to prioritize. What changes can you make immediately? And what action steps can you take now towards your vision that will take longer to achieve?
For instance, you may decide to convert the spare bedroom to an office, get into a size 8 by summer, and travel to Italy next spring. The first priority is an immediate change. The second will be a series of changes over time, which you can start now. And the third is a longer-term vision that is just as much a priority, but will involve more preliminary steps such as researching trip options and setting up a savings plan.
#3-What are my first steps?After you have answered #1 and #2, the next step is to determine what’s first. For the things you want to pursue now, write down what you will do and when, e.g., I will clear the clutter from the spare bedroom this weekend, join a gym by Friday and buy a travel guide to Italy by the end of the month. When you complete these action steps, write more and complete those!
Here are my favourite coaching tips when deciding on goals:1) Put it in writing: Write down your vision and the goals that will support you to accomplish that vision. Carry them with you for constant review and inspiration. Post your goals everywhere so you are always reminded of them. Put them on your bathroom mirror, the steering wheel of your car, your daily scheduler, the refrigerator, your bedside table, etc. Be creative and have fun with this.
2) Phrase goals in the present: Phrase all goals in the present tense, as if you have already achieved them. “I have $50,000 in my savings account in May” as opposed to “I will have $50,000 in my savings account in May,” or “I want to have $50,000…”
3) Avoid negative words and images: Say “I am fit, healthy and energized” instead of saying “I will not be fat and tired anymore!” Instead of “I am not in debt,” say “I have an abundance of money to pay all my expenses.”
4) Be specific: Visualize and speak your goals in clear terms. Say things like “I weigh 130 lbs by exercising 5 times per week and eating a healthy diet of 1800 calories of lean protein, fruits & vegetables” instead of “I will lose weight this year.”
5) Set measurable check marks: Plan for some places along the path to check in and see how you are doing. Be aware of your progress and note whether you need to increase your efforts or make adjustments along the way to stay on schedule. Always remember to celebrate your achievements.
6) Review, re-evaluate and re-write: After a while, you will begin to see whether your goals are taking you to where you want to go. Make adjustments along the way based on your experience – this is NOT the same as quitting or giving up on your original goal; it is the crucial step of “fine-tuning”!
Remember life is a marathon, not a drag race. Don’t create additional pressures by pushing yourself to accomplish too much, too soon. This is supposed to be fun! This is about you pursuing the most important things in your life.
So take it easy and pick a couple of areas that you want to go after first. Manifest those, and then come back to your list and pick a couple of more goals to achieve. Take it step by step and you will get there more quickly and easily.Here’s a FREE gift to support you with reaching your goals.
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