If you are putting off a visit to the dentist, consider the reason. If it is one of these common myths, learn why they are not valid reasons for skipping your visit.
Most people have a love/hate relationships with their dentist. While they know that their dental practitioner is vital to keeping their teeth strong and healthy,
they also do not enjoy the task of going to the dental office, particularly if they have a tendency to receive bad news when they do. Sometimes this feeling is exacerbated by some common myths about the industry.
Myth 1 - It Will Hurt
Going to the dentist doesn’t have to hurt, yet this is the reason that many people skip their regular appointments. If you have sensitive teeth or gums, let your dental practitioner know. Most dental practitioners are experts at dealing with pain management, but they cannot read your mind. You need to speak up if something is starting to hurt.
Myth 2 - My Dental Health Doesn’t Affect Anything Other Than My Teeth
Having an unhealthy mouth actually affects most of your body’s systems. An unhealthy mouth can compromise your immune system, which puts you more at risk for developing colds and other problems. Not only that, but oral health seems to play a direct role on your overall cardiovascular health as well, and poor oral health can point to problems like diabetes and high blood pressure.
Myth 3 - X-Rays Do More Harm Than Good
Dental x-rays have very low doses of radiation. You will receive far more radiation flying on an airplane than receiving an x-ray. It is important that your dentist performs x-rays to be able to spot disease within your teeth that cannot be seen with the naked eye. When you go to the dental office, make sure you have your x-rays done.
Myth 4 - It Will Cost Too Much
A visit to the dentist is an expense, there is no doubt about that, yet it is not quite as much of an expense as many people think. The result of skipping an appointment and the oral problems that can develop is far more expensive than the cost of a routine checkup. If money really is an issue, many dentists will offer discount programs and payment plans, but you do need to ask to find out if this is available or not.
Myth 5 - I Only Need to Go if My Teeth Hurt
By the time your teeth start hurting, you probably already have a serious problem. You are far better off to go to the dental office before you have a problem to help prevent toothaches and the diseases that cause them. Again, preventative care is always less costly and painful than treatment for a disease.
Even with these myths dispelled, you may still not want to visit the dentist. That’s ok, many people are not excited about their bi-annual checkup, and some even have severe fears and phobias of visiting their dentists. Yet, because it is so important, you need to keep that appointment, even if you do not want to. Your mouth, teeth, and overall health will thank you when you do!