Despite their similarities to cigarettes, cigars have long possessed a much more sophisticated persona. Though they have often been portrayed as accessories of the rich and powerful in years past, cigars have seen a much broader degree of mainstream popularity recently.
In Business Planning, Competition is Good
When developing the competition section of your business plan, companies must define competition correctly, select the appropriate competitors to analyze, and explain its competitive advantages.Exploring Arthritis Pain Management Strategies
Arthritis pain is a significant concern among the elderly population in America, as revealed by a recent study conducted by Stanford University Medical Center. The study found that 32% of seniors identified arthritis as the primary source of their discomfort.An Introduction to Incorporating in Florida
The state of Florida is ripe with business opportunity. The Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, recently proclaimed that Florida "is a story of a robust economy, of technology innovation, of entrepreneurship, of international commerce, and of a great quality of life." These are all excellent reasons to incorporate in Florida.