It is fun to have the latest camera for your photography. But do you really need it? This article is going to share with you what you need to know whether you need that new camera or not..
Technology is constantly changing and you will see new cameras after a few months. It is quite alluring to get the latest gadget and have fun with it. It is so exciting to feel the new camera in your hand, dissect the technology and show your picture to everyone you knows.
But do you really need to buy a new digital camera?
1. Upgrade
If you have been playing with compact digital camera for quite sometime and you feel something is missing, you should consider getting a DSLR camera. There are so many things you can do with a DSLR. You can change the lenses to wide angle lens to capture more of the landscape or capture the resting lions with a telephoto lens.
You can shoot your picture in RAW format so that you can fine tune your picture on the computer. You can control how you want to flash your subject so that they won't appear too white on the picture. There are more exciting things that you can do with a DSLR camera than a compact digital camera.
2. Budget
This is the simplest reason whether you should or shouldn't buy a new camera.
Manufacturers are introducing different camera for different market segment. Just look at the rate of compact digital camera launched annually. Can you ever own all of them?
Unless you can sell off your camera, or else you are wasting your money on something that you can't fully appreciate.
3. Understand the technology
Before you really buy a new digital camera, you should have a look into the features and technologies of the new camera. What are the differences of the new camera compare to your current one?
If you want to buy a new camera simply because it has more megapixels, you need to think again.
You need to know whether the manufacturers have increased the image sensor size along with the increased of megapixels. This is because when more pixels are jammed in a small image sensor, you are more likely to get a noised picture as you increase your ISO.
To put it in simpler explanation, pixels will generate certain degree of noise when a photo is taken. This noise is going to be transmitted to the next pixel and so on resulting in a noised picture. When you have a larger image sensor, the pixels are loosely packed and so reduce the noise in the picture.
You really should do some research before you buy a new camera. The chances are you might not need the latest toy for your hobby.
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