Have a fun day creating and making a crazy quilt. Use the stash you have on hand. Have a wild day finishing your crazy quilt block with available embellishments in your sewing basket.
Are you having one of those days? Restless, need a little spice in your life? Take that restless energy and make a crazy patch quilt. If you have never done this type of quilting start with making one block.
Do you know what a crazy patch quilt is? It is an unconventional, no guide, make any shape you want quilt. Perfect for people that want to create a nonsensical, no rules, loose creative design. There is no right or wrong. Guess what? It turns out beautiful. It will be the quilt for a day of fun.
These quilts are great for the artists of today. Embellishments of every variety can be used. This quilt is an art work which can utilize any scraps you have in your fabric bin. Mix all fabric types and textures, mix muted colors or bright colors, and play with prints, stripes, and novelty fabrics.
Choose your colors including light, medium, and dark. Fabrics can be wool, cotton, satin, velvet, sheers, netting, ribbons, suede, leather, and any other fabrics you may have available.
Cut your fabric swatches into desired shapes of squares, rectangles, petals, hearts, triangles, octagons, hexagons, as well as irregular shapes. Connect the different pieces using the standard ¼ inch seam allowance. Are you getting the giggles or starting to smile?
For security and guidance place these irregular cuts on a foundation square of fabric. Some people use muslin, some use felt, and some use cotton. Use whatever fabric pleases you.
After all of the pieces of the crazy patch quilt have been stitched together, take a quilters’ square ruler, or make your own square which measures the same as the foundation fabric and cut away excess fabric so both the top and the foundation are the same size.
Be wild and crazy with embellishments. This is your time to stitch the decorative icing on the cake. Use trims, beads, sequins, feathers, cording, buttons, jewelry, ribbon, embroidery, appliqués, yarns, fabric paint, and stenciling. These items are not only decorating the entire block but they are also covering exposed seams or errors. Are you smiling and having a good time?
Use your imagination, look over your fabric stash and your thinking will fly with all you can do.
After the crazy patch quilt block has been completed, attach borders, batting, and backing and finish it the same way you would do any quilt. If using for a wall hanging add a rod and clips for hanging. Or you may want to frame as a picture or place in a shadow box or use it to cover an unsightly appliance.
Inviting your loved ones over to enjoy arranging and sewing a crazy patch quilt for a day will be an enjoyable and fun day.
Discover quilting today. Visit the hobbies section of Infotrish at http://www.Infotrish.com Review Quilting Gems. Do not forget to download your free quilting pattern.
Name A Quilt
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