My Favorite Scrapbooking Kits Club - Monthly-Memories
I have finally found a scrapbooking club that is perfect for me! offers the perfect combination that I have been looking for!
I have finally found a scrapbooking club that is perfect for me! offers the perfect combination that I have been looking for! If you have ever searched for a club you have probably noticed that there are quite a few out there. Each one has different aspects and I have belonged to 6 different clubs throughout the last year - searching for one that suites all of my needs. I have belonged to for 3 months now and it is the one!Many of the clubs that I have joined have been great. I have been able to get some pretty impressive layouts completed and I have always felt that they have been a good deal. I have just been frustrated while looking for "THE" club because I hadn't been able to find a club that had everything I was looking for. Let me explain. After belonging to some clubs for a few months,

I noticed that my scrapbook was looking the same. Every layout had a similar look and feel (I would imagine they were designed by the same scrapbooker). I joined others that only offered supplies and no ideas. Although I like the freedom of my own layouts, I also appreciate a good idea when I make a layout and to be honest - I generally use the idea supplied by because I feel that they are unique and well suited for the layout. I also belonged to several clubs that were digitally created and just printed for my use. I know that this technique can greatly reduce cost, however, I really preferred the hand-made look as opposed to the printed look so I passed on those clubs. I guess I just had a hard time finding a club that had different techniques. One other aspect I wanted in a club was originality. The kits that came full of coordinating embellishments were cute but I could run down to the store and find the same components right there! I much prefer a club that creates their own supplies. It keeps my attention and definitely keeps them original.Well... not to sound too redundant but I have found it! offers 3 complete 12x12 layouts for only $20 each month (that is one of the lower prices I have seen as well). Each layout must be designed by different people because they have distinct feels to them and one of the layouts is a printed one made into stickers that offers yet a new look for my scrapbook. They print their own paper and stickers so these are supplies you won't find in a store!I have been very pleased with the quality of the kits, the customer services, and the originality. I have finally found a Scrapbooking Club that I can stick with and keep my scrapbook looking different and unique. Take a look and see for yourself!