It's amazing how easy it is to lose a camera - or your kids! Here are a couple photo projects that only take a few seconds and can save both!
Here in the northern hemisphere,

the weather is getting better and it's starting to move into vacation time! Yippee! But, if you are into photography, it can be a somewhat dangerous time too! Here are a couple photo projects that you will want to get started on right away!
First is a tip that can save your camera….
Now that it is warmer and the snow is off the ground, we are far more likely to be out and about. This time of year is the very definition of "busy."
Before you go anywhere - it doesn't have to be a vacation, it could just be a day trip to an amusement park, or the beach - or just a trip to the mall… anywhere you plan to take along your camera and do a few shots… on the first frame of your memory stick, take a shot of a card with your name address and phone number.
If you should lose your camera, chances are the finder will look through the photos and voila(!) the first frame will show them how to contact you. And yes, there actually ARE honest people out there who WILL try to get you camera back to you!
If your camera is stolen and the police somehow recover it, the first frame will tell them how to contact you as well. It's not as unlikely as it seems. Cameras are recovered all the time and just sit there because there is no way to contact the owner.
All those police auctions you hear about where you can buy things for pennies on the dollar? That's where YOUR camera is going to end up.
If you've invested hundreds or possibly even thousands of dollars in a camera, it's silly not to take a few seconds and take a shot of an address card.
Second is a tip that can help you find your kids!
Along the same lines as before, every morning before you leave the house - it doesn't have to be a vacation or an outing, just a trip to the store will do - take a quick snapshot of the kids. Don't forget to get one before they head to school!
Do this EVERY morning!
Because if something happens… you get separated, they get lost and so on, you will have a current picture of not only what they look like, but what they were wearing that day! It's amazing how few parents can describe what clothing their kids were wearing when they left the house that morning.
Yes, it's kind of a negative thought, but worth the effort.
Here is a positive spin - imagine if you really did this and saved the photos. You would have a daily archive of your kids growing up! Imagine 15 or 20 years of daily photos! Now THAT'S what I call a photo project!