Seeking for the most appropriate building blocks

Dec 25




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Today, there are many toys, of many kinds, for all ages and all these are in the Know-how of the children either by friends or partners on the media, etc.


Most building blocks are quite beautiful. Some manufacturers develop them in amazing ways. You can find all sizes,Seeking for the most appropriate building blocks Articles shapes, colors, etc, but some adults do not believe this is a source of motivation. Truth is, these blocks are magnificent. The child eventually gets bored but this happens with other type of games.

According to most experts, parents should encourage children; let them interact with the same toys, so a child always will pull more features than it actually is.  The joint solution for toys stacked in the storage room that is no longer used and donate them and bring happiness to children who do not have many toys, which are to propose a number of places where that they can be carried or campaigns.

Campaign to collect toys

It happens more frequently on special dates such as Christmas; dates on which children may have fewer resources miss them receive as a gift. Many building blocks are collected! They are organized by institutions and municipalities, and are usually placed at strategic locations within the cities to collect toys. Also you can talk with local associations and institutions and schools.

On numerous occasions some organize collection campaigns even have some point where you can leave toys before donating toys that are used. If you have an opportunity it would be nice to be able to preselect some building blocks and possibly donate them. These can be totally adapted better to the profile of its beneficiaries and relevant data such as age of children. Before the donation of unused toys we know three points;

- Must donate building blocks in good condition, not worth donating what no longer works or spare.

- You should avoid violent toys to donate. One should think that many of the toys end up in countries with conflicts.

- If possible it is an electric toy, as if they need batteries are more likely to break down before then could not continue to use.

From age 8, children's ability to think and to address issues is more developed. It is also possible that the recycling area has been treated at school, or has heard any conversation with her classmates. It is ideal to address the issue at home, to see to what extent they know and help you resolve your concerns and questions.

It may happen that the child ask questions which will not always have the answers, it is normal that you recognize in front of him you do not know, even motivate you to find together the solution, other alternatives like the Internet or an encyclopedia. The important thing is that you're fostering communication between parents and children and teach them to find solutions. Good building blocks will help immensely!

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