The still life setup should begin with the background. It is a more vital part of the composition than most of us think!
For today's installment (Part 3) of still life photography tips and techniques,

we will start to get into the still life photography setup. Notably the background.
Once you've made the decision to do a created versus a found still life, and you've selected your subject matter, it's time to start building the set.
First, find a table of some sort that you can use to create your still life photography setup. It seems silly to mention it, but be sure it is a table you aren't going to need for a while. I know from experience how irritating it can be to spend several hours getting everything tweaked just the way you want it, and have the family come in and start clearing the table for a meal.
Or worse, if you are shooting a bowl of fruit, to leave the room for a minute and come back to see someone eating your masterpiece!
Like I say, it seems silly to say it, but experience has shown it is necessary. Make sure you will have access to your set for as long as you need it.
I suggest selecting a backdrop before you actually start adjusting and moving your still life objects into place. For some reason, when you are seeing it in completed form - with the backdrop - it is easier to get effective compositions. At least it is for me.
Depending on your subject matter, your background could be as simple as a sheet of colored paper or a piece of poster board. If you want to go fancier it could be a hand painted piece of canvas or some other material.
Your background material doesn't need to be very big.
One of the little known still life photography tips and techniques is to take an old photo that you like, blow it up and use it as the background. As part of your still life photography setup using a photo enlargement could be your secret weapon. Most photographers never think of it and it's perfect. Your background can be anything!
Don't forget textured walls! Bricks and stonework can be the perfect compliment to the right subject!
Most photographers tend to add the background almost as an afterthought, but it is worth the effort to make sure it "fits" with your subject matter. Dark materials tend to add more drama and intensity whereas light backgrounds are more light and airy. They soften a composition according to National Geographic.
The whole look and feel of the finished photo can be altered and controlled by your background choices. It can be ancient, modern, happy, sad... whatever!
Most still life photographers say that the background should blend with the subject matter. It should be a slightly different tone, but similar colors will help to emphasize the subject. With light subjects it should be slightly darker and with dark subjects it should be a bit lighter.
Here is your assignment. Find a bowl, vase or something that you want to shoot as a still life. Next try to find a backdrop that will make it look like it is one of those master's paintings from the 1600's.
Then find a backdrop that will make it seem to be modern and upbeat. Then find three more backdrops and ways of presenting your subject.
It's hard! But, the more effort you put into the still life photography setup, the faster you will start getting ooohs and aaahs when people look at your work. Get out there today and put this still life photography tips and techniques lesson into practice and come back tomorrow for more!