Here are two portrait posing tips that will instantly improve your photos. Try them and I doubt you will ever go back!

let's get a bit into portrait are two quick tips for you. Though they may seem minor, they can make a HUGE difference in the effectiveness of your portraits! Who knows, maybe you'll start winning some of those photo contests!
Today's first tip involves photographing peoples' joints.
No, I am not talking about marijuana. I'm talking about physical joints like wrists elbows, knees and so on.
One of our primary functions as a photographer is to make a portraitee (I think I just invented a word) look like they are having the best day EVER! You want them looking like a million bucks!
Few of us can naturally fall into great poses - the ability to look comfortable in front of the camera is why professional models make the big bucks.
One of the fastest ways to ruin that "best ever" look is to make them look stiff and uncomfortable. Our joints play a huge factor in whether we look stiff and uncomfortable - or natural and flowing. Here is a rule of thumb for you...
Tip #1…If it can bend, let it bend!
Bend the elbows, the knees, the wrists, tilt the head, the shoulders and so on.
Just for fun, try taking a photo with the person just standing there, shoulders straight on to the camera, feet together, knees straight and so on.
Stiff? You bet!
Unless you are trying to shoot a photo of a soldier standing at attention...this will NEVER be the best pose!
Now shoot the same subject with as many joints bent as possible. Twist the shoulders, tilt the head, slightly bend the elbows (not all the way to 90 degrees), put one foot behind the other and rest the weight on it (this alters the angle of the hips) and so on…
I think you will see a huge improvement!
Take a few minutes and look at portraits done by top photographers and I think you will be hard pressed to find an unbent joint!
Along those same lines...
Tip #2 is… If there are two of them, don't make them the same!
By having two of them, I am talking about two hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and on and on.
Keep in mind, we have two ears and two eyes as well, so in a portrait, tilt the head so that the eyes and ears aren't on the same level.
Tilt the shoulders for the same reason!
These two tips may seem a bit obvious, but it's amazing how few hobbyist photographers pay attention to them. It's these little things that make the difference! For more information, check out the links in the resource box!