Using Brass Portholes As Nautical Decor
Over the clear waters of a deep, warm southern ocean a ship skips over the waves. This ship’s speed and grace is something to be admired. In the era it was built, this ship served as one of the fastest in the world. Due to the way the sails are positioned and cut, they allow for the ship to pivot in the water with hairpin accuracy. On the sturdy hull of the ship are many small, round windows. These windows are surrounded by heavy metal.
Clear waters of a tropical ocean engulf a small ship that sails through.Even from afar,

the grace of this ship is noticeable.This ship was one of the most known for its speed.The many large, fluted sails give the ship the ability to turn on a dime in the water.The hull houses a line of round glass windows that can be used to see out of if one is in the hull.A wide metal ring is used to attached the window securely to the wood of the hull.
When placed within a home or office that is designed after the sea, many
brass portholes shine and resonate with the theme well.Nautical items are usually square and rather large, and as such can’t fit in many of the places many brass portholes can.Small bathrooms especially do well with many brass portholes in them to make up for where a large display item simply cannot fit.Many brass portholes can withstand dropping and cracking better than most items, due in part to the enduring metal rim that sits around the edge with welded tightness.This makes many brass portholes ideal
nautical wall decor for the room of a child or where an item might often fall.
A window is primarily made the same as a porthole is.Where a normal window is square, a porthole item is rounded into a distinct shape.The circular shape of the porthole item is favored for its great anti shatter properties, as well as ease of installation into the ship’s side.The glass in a porthole item of a ship can be well over two inches thick.The thickness of the port hole glass prevents both the chill of the sea and the strong waves from shattering the glass itself.The porthole item and its heavy metal rings are commonly created from bronze, aluminum, or brass.Bronze tends to do much better in areas on land than on sea, which makes the metal ideal for a porthole in the home.
Terrestrial homes can also be perfect hosts to the installment of a few portholes in the place of regular windows.Because of their commonly small size, portholes are prone to be placed higher up on a house, as this is where they can fit where other windows can’t.Garages and other small places such as sheds or car ports do well with a porthole more than any other structure.Regular rectangular windows were seen as insufficient for a boat, and as such these items were invented.
The size of these items varies from ship to ship and room to room - a captain’s room will often have large items or, on the rare occasion, actual windows instead.Passengers tended to like ships that had more portholes.With the passage of time came the increase in porthole size, and today they are rather large.On ships, this is your one way to see the ocean out of your room.The curtains may make the room seem more cozy as well.