WOW Priest Leveling & Quest Guide
Guide for leveling your world of warcraft priest.
For those of you that are experianced world of warcraft players,
you understand just how valuable a priest is to a group. When it comes to healing abilities, no other class compares to a priest. The Priest is the quiet character in the background keeping an eye on the group and nurturing them much like a Shepherd watches over his flock.
WOW Priest Leveling & Quest Guide If your just starting out in world of warcraft a Priest may seem a little boring at first, but as you learn the vital role of a Priest it becomes a challenging and multi faceted character that is never a bore to play. The Priest usually plays best as part of group. When a priest gets up to the higher levels they are very capable at soloing but early on it's best to play with a group. If this turns you off from playing a priest don't let it, the priest is just as much fun as any other class and can be very strategic to play. One last thing before we move on, if your into playing PVP be aware that the priest is a hot target in PVP, you will want to be extra careful. Now you can see just how cool the priest is. Your abilities as a Priest are much needed by the rest of your group. There used to be just seven races available to the priest class, draenei's,dwarves,human's or night elves (Alliance) blood elves,troll's or undead (Horde). With the Cataclysm addition you will also be able to play gnomes and taurens as priests and both new races, goblins and worgens. Lets get your wow priest leveling up through the early levels. When just starting out you will have the Lesser Heal spell and the Smite range attack, a great combination especially when you earn your first buff, Power Word Fortitude. You should have Fortitude active as of now as it will be of help to all around you. Mana is absolutly essential to a world of warcraft priest so monitor your mana supply at all times, you will need more and more mana as you start leveling up to the higher levels. Keep your distance, the Priest is not a melee fighter so don't play it like one. Find cover as far away from the hand to hand combat as you can, a priest has little chance of doing well fighting hand to hand. Continue leveling to level 4 when you will be able to use Shadow Word Pain, a good enemy debuff to make things easier. Keep this debuff on most of the time, but there will be times you will still want to use Fortitude. The Shadow Word Pain debuff only lasts for a while so keep an eye on it so you can cast it again when needed. The very effective defensive buff Power Word Shield can be used once you get to level 6, it's a shielding buff just as it sounds. The priest is not able to wear armor of any kind so buff's like this are very important when going into battle. Also at level 6 you will want to visit a trainer to get your first substantial quest, take it and complete it as soon as you can. Leveling to level 8 will let you use the HOT spell known as Renew and also Fade.Renew is a Heal Over Time or "HOT" spell which should be used when a fight is near, or after a battle. Using Fade will lessen your aggro so your foe's will pay less attention to you. Mind Blast is a very nice spell that you can use once you have leveled your WOW priest to level 10. Using Mind Blast will greatly increase your damage dealing without using up all your mana. Resurrection is now available to you enabling you to resurrect other players. You will recieve your first talent point at once you have leveled your WOW priest to level 10, so put some thought to what kind of WOW Priest you would like to become. At level 12 you will get a very nice armor bonus buff called Inner Fire which is a great help against melee enemies and multiple attackers.Priest PVP Guide Well, there you have it. This will get you off to a good start and by this time you should have a good feel on how to play a priest in WOW, think ahead a bit and you will do very well. Most WOW players use a in-game guide to help them along, you will want to get one as the game gets harder as you get to the upper levels. Game On!.