WoW quest helper - The Ultimate WoW Guide - is one of the best in the World of Warcraft guides business. Let's see why.
A good WoW quest helper is hard to come by. There are a ton of them. What's even harder to find is a guide that will cover a lot of what you need to get started on the right foot. Thankfully,

based on my experience I found a guide that covers all this ground effectively.
Dugi's Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide was already one of the most respected guides out there. I considered it a good one as well, but my beef was that they were way behind in the in-game leveling guide category. I thought that they needed a mod to guide you by the hand within the game itself, much like some of the newer WoW leveling guides. That has now changed, Dugi has added an in-game leveling guide. Coupled with the gold guide and pvp guide, this seems like a formidable package, let's take a look at this WoW quest helper.
If you've seen some of the other in-game leveling guides, then you might have noticed that they sometimes take alot of screen real estate. Well this WoW Quest Helper changes all this by making the smallest in-game leveling guide out there, due to its compact size its great for laptop users. Let's look at a few more features
Dugi's Leveling Guide comprises of a waypoint arrow that points you directly to where you need to go. That alone is great, but it also comes with a few other features that really make the leveling experience the easiest I've ever seen. The add-on automatically detects objective completion and let's you know what the next step is. It has detailed instructions for every single quest, all you have to do is hover over the guide and it opens in a small window that shows you the order of steps. It has automatic class detection and tells you which items to use and at what times. Dugi's leveling guide has a new and exclusive feature which I really enjoyed, it is a step-by-step in-game Leveling Talent Guide. If you've played for awhile then you know how leveling talent correctly will help you to level faster. I found this feature to be very valuable.
Dugi's World of Warcraft Leveling Guide comes with full access to member only forums. I've test posted and found the community very nice and responsive. The members site also has full technical support as well as what I consider the best video tutorials of any of the leveling guides I've tested. I highly recommend the in-game leveling guide.
Dugi's PvP Guide is part of the package. What's interesting about this guide is that it is actually a very interactive members website. Yes, that is correct, it's not an ebook. I was surprised by this approach but I found that it works much better than an ebook. For instance, there is the class page, it has not only the best strategies utilized for each class, but also the best macros, and what really won me over are the video tutorials. Each subpage explaining the class PvP strategies is full of links that lead to deeper explanations if you need them. This covers a lot of ground and is a must if you plan on getting the most out of this WoW quest helper. I found it very well done.
Dugi's Farming Gold Guide and Professions Guide are done very well also. They are also interactive websites and not ebooks. They include video tutorials that will help a player of any level. I found this well done, and the first method he teaches is simple yet very effective. I can't disclose it of course, but as a seasoned veteran I was surprised I had missed this particular gold farming strategy. It's all white hat so no worries there. I'll add that all of Dugi's guides are legitimate and legal strategies. Again, this portion of the this WoW quest helper is great. I'll add quickly that the message boards are very cool, there you will find a ton of secret locations, and tried and true strategies above and beyond just the guides themselves.
All in all, a great set of WoW quest helpers. Dugi actually has a very practical strategy that he describes as this. First; get one level 80: Second; fund your characters gold: Third; Dominate in PVP. I found this to be a great approach. I highly recommend this WoW quest helper, a good all in one guide solution. Good luck!