Tip How to Clean Urine from Carpet?

Jun 11




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If you have a toddler, a kitten or a puppy sooner or later you will face the question of how to get pee out of the carpet. Undoubtedly, you know well how difficult it is to keep the house clean, if one of the family members has not yet learned to hold their natural needs.


Dealing with pet urine accidents on carpets can be a challenging and frustrating task. Not only do you need to address the visible stain,Tip How to Clean Urine from Carpet? Articles but also the persistent odour that can linger even after cleaning. In this article, we will explore various methods to effectively eliminate urine smells from carpets. We will cover how to get urine smell out of carpets, the best way to clean urine stains, and specific strategies for removing dog and cat urine. With these helpful tips, you can restore freshness to your carpets and maintain a clean and born-free environment for both you and your pets.

  1. How to Get Urine Smell Out of Carpets:
  2. a. Blotting: As soon as you notice a urine spot, blot the area with paper towels or a clean cloth to absorb as much liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing, as it can push the urine deeper into the carpet fibers.

b. Vinegar Solution: Create a vinegar solution by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water. Dampen a clean cloth with the solution and gently blot the affected area. Vinegar is effective in neutralizing the odour and breaking down the urine components.

c. Baking Soda Treatment: After using the vinegar solution, sprinkle baking soda generously over the stained area. Baking soda helps absorb odours. Leave it on the carpet for several hours or overnight, then vacuum thoroughly to remove the baking soda and any remaining odour.

d. Enzymatic Cleaners: Enzymatic cleaners are specifically designed to break down urine components and eliminate odours. Follow the instructions on the product label, ensuring that the cleaner is suitable for your carpet type. Apply the enzymatic cleaner to the affected area and allow it to sit for the recommended time. Blot the excess moisture and let the carpet air dry.

  1. The Best Way to Clean Urine Stains from Carpets:
  2. a. Pretest Cleaning Solutions: Before applying any cleaning solution to the urine stain, test it in a small, inconspicuous area of the carpet to ensure it doesn't cause discoloration or damage.

b. Water and Dish Soap Solution: Mix a solution of warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or sponge soaked in the solution. Work from the outer edges of the stain toward the centre to prevent spreading. Rinse with clean water and blot dry.

c. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: For stubborn urine stains, you can create a solution using 3% hydrogen peroxide and a small amount of mild dish soap. Apply the solution to the stain and gently blot. Rinse with water and blot dry. Note: Hydrogen peroxide may have a bleaching effect, so it's essential to perform a patch test before using it on coloured carpets.

  1. How to Get Dog Pee Out of Carpets:
  2. a. Absorb as Much Urine as Possible: Place several layers of paper towels or clean cloths over the urine spot and apply gentle pressure to soak up the liquid. Repeat until the area is relatively dry.

b. Enzymatic Cleaner: Apply an enzymatic cleaner specifically formulated for pet urine stains to break down the urine components and eliminate odour. Follow the product instructions for best results.

c. Steam Cleaner: A steam cleaner can effectively deep clean carpets and remove dog urine odours. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and use a pet-friendly cleaning solution for optimal results.

d. Professional Cleaning: If the dog urine stains and odours persist or cover a large area, it's advisable to hire professional carpet cleaners. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to thoroughly clean and deodorize carpets.


Dealing with urine odours on carpets requires prompt action and appropriate cleaning methods. Whether you're dealing with dog pee or cat urine, following these tips will help you effectively clean the stains and eliminate odours. Remember, prevention is key to maintaining a fresh and clean carpet. Train your pets, provide appropriate litter boxes or potty areas, and address accidents promptly to minimize the impact on your carpets.