Sometimes it's easy to come up with an information product idea. But, how do you package your idea? Read about four simple ways to sell your information.
This article assumes that you're interested in packaging, marketing, and selling your own information products. You know what you want to write about but you don't know the best way to package and present the information.
The following are four simple information product formats that you can use to get started.
1. E-books. If you think you have at least 100 pages of typed information, this is the best format. I recommend using Microsoft Word templates as a guideline for your writing. Don't worry about graphics or illustrations. Get the information into a readable format and then convert it to a PDF file. Look around to find inexpensive PDF software.
2. E-booklets/Tip Sheets. If you don't have at least 100 pages of information, break down what you do have into smaller segments. E-booklets, which
I also refer to as tip sheets, are collections of tips that get right to the meat of your subject. This fits in great with today’s hurry up environment. Consumers and business owners are looking for expert information but not in typical expert, book length format.
As a matter of fact, these "sheets" have been popping up in bookstores the last few years. They’re one page, plastic laminated sheets that provide short, nugget sized pieces of information ranging from resume writing to programming in C++. Imagine the convenience of someone being able to instantly download your specialized knowledge. They can print it out, take it to work, fold it, keep it in a purse, pack it in a suitcase, or whatever. It's instant. It's convenient.
3. How-to Reports. These reports are similar to tip sheets, except they are article length pieces. Like a tip sheet, the key to your success will be to deliver quality, specialized knowledge in a timely fashion. These reports can compliment your tip sheets and typically sell for twice as much.
4. Resource Directories. Resource directories are my favorite because they only require research and compilation. Although the Web may have eased information accessibility, it has increased the time and effort required to filter information. Once you find a niche topic, one of the most valuable information products you can offer is a resource directory. But, a directory is more than just a compilation of web links. Your value will be in your ability to offer solid, objective reviews of each site and why you think it’s worthy of someone visiting.
The explanations above will allow you to sell more of your ideas and insights without stifling your creativity. Quite the opposite actually. You’ll have the freedom to choose the ideas you want. If an idea doesn’t work out, you can move to another idea rather quickly. Don't allow a lack of information to prevent you from starting your information business. The formats I've outlined above will allow you to take whatever information you have and package it into a profitable niche product.
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