This is the new age of network marketing. The prospecting techniques your upline taught you are outdated and never work. Never make calls to friends a...
This is the new age of network marketing. The prospecting techniques
your upline taught you are outdated and never work. Never make calls to
friends a family, burn those genealogy lists, dump those flyers in the
garbage, and harness the power of the internet to get people contacting
you. Here you will learn the Attraction marketing techniques that get
prospects groveling at the feet of "gurus" just to join their downline.Lets
face it, buying leads and calling them is DEADLY! It kills your
business, your image, and your cashflow. These techniques will help you
develop hot leads that expect your call, or may even call you first.
Welcome to the era of "Magnetic Sponsoring" as Mike dillard calls it.
These techniques popularized by Mike and others such as Ann Sieg and
Mike Klinger, show you how to attract people to you.Fact number
1, attraction is a feeling, not a choice. As you grow in experience and
success, prospects are naturally attracted to you in order to learn
because just the effect of being related to you. This is the same
effect a rockstar has on it's posse or fans, also why a JV partnership
with a big name guru can rake in thousands. Ever see two names in the
header of a website, that is usually a JV, all the big names use them
for profit, as well as list building.Second fact, you need to
brand yourself. Open a new tab and in it go to Google search. Type in
your name, are there any results. Usually there are, for more famous
people with the same name. You need to brand yourself as someone who
knows the ropes of Internet marketing, even if you don't yet. Truth is,
even if you know very little, you can be an expert in a field compared
to a complete newbie. What I suggest you do is purchase a domain name
of your name, maybe even attach a blog to it. This way when people
search your name in the SE's, they can find out more about your
accomplishments.You need to develop a mailing list is the 3rd
fact, every real internet marketer has one. Some people like Mike
Dillard have ones of over 150,000 people, others like Rachel Long have
over 850,000 people, smaller marketers may just have a list of 1000,
but at least its a start. It isn't just a nice optin page and the size
of your list that matters, the biggest hurdle is developing a
relationship with your list. As your subscribers see you as more and
more of an expert, they will be more inclined to join or buy whatever
you recommend.Fact number 4, quality over quantity, who wants
to read your 52 week newsletter and hear the same old news every other
week. You can make perfectly solid campaigns at only 7 weeks and pack
it with only the useful stuff. Time is precious, don't waste people's
time with "fluff" newsletters. Great examples of newsletters are Mike
Dillard, Stephen Pierce, and Costa Dedes, just to name a few.5th
Fact, people love free stuff. What I like to do is include a free item
every week or every couple of weeks for my subscribers. Even after you
initial series, remember to keep constant "significant" contact, people
usually remember where they get important information from. Check out
the free program "Open Office Writer" which is free and can be used to
make your own pdf documents. Write a few on topics you know well and
give them away to your list. Also when you market affiliate products to
your list, offer them free bonuses for ordering from you, Ian Del
Carmen does this and it works like a charm.I can guarantee that
these techniques will increase downline and mailing list retention,
while also brining in new streams of profit. Why can I guarantee this,
well I am a living product of Magnetic Sponsoring and Attraction
Marketing techniques. Let the results speak for themselves, try these
easy techniques for yourself.
My Inspiration- Why I Chose Internet Marketing Part 2
This is part 2 about my struggles and what I overcame to make it to where I am in network marketing.My Inspiration- Why I Chose Internet Marketing Part 1
This is part 1 about the struggles of a now successful internet marketer.Find The Cure To Acne And The Secret To Younger Looking Skin
I have found one of the strongest cures for my acne problems is a combination of a facial cleanser, an astringent, and an acne killing cream.