5 Ways to Stay Inspired in Your Home Business
Struggling with your home business? Feeling a little stir crazy? Can’t motivate your spirit into action? In our article, 5 Ways to Stay Inspired in Your Home Business, you’ll discover a game plan to stay strong physically, emotionally and spiritually when business is quiet and you need to motivate yourself.
As a home business owner,
you may have some unique experiences that typical people may never have. You may work from your home and have those days where you sit and stare out the window, wondering if the phone will ever ring. You may pace and fret. You may spend ridiculous hours perusing online shopping networks rather than developing your marketing campaign. It is easy to become distracted, with no boss hovering over you and a deadline that only you have to answer to. These moments can really test the mind and heart, for where is that camaraderie when you are the sole employee?
It is essential that you empower yourself not just as the employee of your business, but as your boss. You need to create structure and have a game plan for those days you’d rather stay in your pajamas at your home office. Here are five great tips on staying motivated in your personal home business:
- Connect with Your Spirituality. Whether you believe in God, the Buddha, the Angels or Santa Claus, as business owners we need to touch base with our center every day. How can you incorporate this into your daily life? Perhaps before your family wakes up, you find a quiet space to really connect with your mission and purpose. You center and breathe. You read a daily meditation book. You draw an inspirational card, like Daily Guidance from the Angels or another card deck that provides comfort. You find a few minutes to do Tai Chi or Yoga. If you are like me and need your boost in the middle of the day, schedule that quiet time to center within. Make it a regular habit and you’ll find you’ve created a haven for yourself to turn to, whether life is too quiet or too loud.
- Inspirational Text: These are quotes and sayings that inspire you, no matter how often you read them. Everyone seems to have one nowadays. Really: go and ask people what their favorite quote is. Mine easily rolls off the tongue, “What does not kill you makes you stronger” by Nietzsche. Pepper inspirational sayings around your office and home. Post them in places that will be a surprise to you at some later time, maybe in the closet or the medicine cabinet. Soon these sayings will truly become a part of you and integrate into your life.
- Move. In our high tech world it is easy to stagnate. We sit in front of our computer, in front of the TV, in front of the laundry machine. When we sit, it is a lot easier to allow our mind to wander and start to fret and worry. It is easier to mull over the contract that didn’t pan out, the client that didn’t sign or the check that never was paid. However when you rise out of that chair and start to exercise, that helps move not only your body, but your mind as well. You are able to see things from a different perspective when you take time to stretch, walk or ride your bike. Take care of yourself by doing this habit. It will help turn your mind and therefore your business around.
- Perfect Day Exercise: In my coaching business, I have every one of my clients complete this task and the results are incredible. Take some time right now to write out a few paragraphs of your perfect day in your business. Include everything! Write about what time you wake up, what your morning routine is, how you spend your business hours, what your clientele is like, how much income you regularly generate. Write about three full paragraphs. I like to add a symbolic picture that reflects my mood and desires in the writing. Post this in a place where you can read it everyday. This will stimulate your subconscious mind and help you recognize future opportunities that will align you with your dream.
- Support System: Surround yourself with inspiring, helpful people. Spend time on web forums that make you laugh and enjoy life. Schedule regular lunch dates with other business people if you work from home. We all need interaction with other people besides just the online crew. Sign up for a local exercise class and get out of your office! This will fill your spirit up again and enable you to stay inspired in your business!
© Annie Bathgate, ATP®, 2007 All Rights Reserved.