The world of small ... started crashing down in ... past and ... to do so. Not long ago many ... were ... but now they're caving in to ... ... tak
The world of small businesses started crashing down in the
recent past and continues to do so. Not long ago many home
businesses were thriving, but now they're caving in to a
faltering economy.
Let's take, for example, handmade crafts. While crafting
was a lucrative home-based business as little as two or
three years ago, it's seen nothing but a decline in sales
since then. Many crafters have gone completely out of
business in the past year alone.
Why? Because the average American has less money to spend
on luxuries and unnecessary items. The "down-sized" world
we live in today has caused a snowball effect in many
aspects of our lives.
Let's continue to use the example of handmade crafts. Craft
supplies are a necessary expense, of course. And for those
who travel each weekend to sell their wares at out-of-town
craft shows, there are other expenses to take into
consideration. The average cost for one craft show can
easily run $75-$100, not including the cost of the supplies.
And so the crafter starts a vicious circle. S/he spends
money trying to make money, but doesn't make enough to
cover the expenses, let alone turn a profit.
On the other hand, many other small businesses are booming.
The Internet has given many people the opportunity to start
and build successful home-based businesses, with very few
overhead costs.
There are plenty of businesses that can be operated from
home using little more than a computer and the Internet.
While the craft business used to require the "personal"
approach, it can now become less so.
Crafters who can no longer afford to travel to sell their
products, can sell via a website instead. More people are
shopping online than ever before. Now they don't have to
wait to attend the local craft show to buy their handmade
goodies. They can simply visit their favorite website at
their convenience.
I used crafts as one example only. There are many other
businesses in the same boat. But with a little effort and
know-how, small business owners can turn their failing
businesses into successful Internet businesses.
Business owners who currently rent office space can
eliminate that expense by turning a room in their home into
an office. Naturally, if clients need to be seen personally
for services, that wouldn't work. But if it's possible,
changing the location of the office will put more profits
in the pockets of the business owner.
Small businesses *can* still survive. They just might have
to adapt to changing times. So go with the flow!
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