Network marketing can repel the most serious of entrepreneurs, but it’s consistently proving it does have a place as a reliable and generous means of added revenue to existing businesses – once you find the right fit.
"Network marketing" used to be a dirty term in my world and when Robert Kiyosaki claimed it as one of his preferred means to wealth building,

my jaw almost hit the floor.
How could such a worldly, intelligent businessman make such a statement?
Unfortunately several experiences in the MLM world left me with a serious distaste for anything even remotely resembling network marketing.
In my early 20's I joined Amway. (Is there an aspiring entrepreneur who hasn't?)
In six short months, I had asked every person I had ever met, shared a bus seat with, loaned a quarter or had a meal with, if they would be interested in making loads of money while promoting top quality products.
They weren't interested and I soon became disheartened and felt like a fraud for trying to persuade them to follow my recommendations. I certainly wasn't rolling in the dough. How could I promise them the same?
Several years later I got involved in home parties selling candles and recruiting new consultants. I built up a small team and loved the product, but late nights and long trips to outlying towns took their toll and my enthusiasm quickly waned.
Network marketing eventually began to symbolize harassment of friends and family and a never ending treadmill of late night presentations.
In the candle business, no matter how many thousands of dollars a month I made, I always had to conduct two shows a month or risk losing my ranking and everything I had built. I wanted a business that would allow me to build it to a desired level, then step back from the front lines and teach and help others to do the same.
I believed there would never be place for network marketing in my life until I began my coaching and referral business -- and until the right business model presented itself.
I found the right fit when I was introduced to a business that allowed me and my clients to leverage our time and effort by automating the client referral process.
The product was created electronically then produced in physical form and sent through regular mail to its intended recipients. I didn't have to carry inventory, leave home to make presentations or meet any kind of monthly quota.
It is the perfect fit for my business because it gives me and my clients more freedom to focus on the long-term vision of our businesses while serving as one of the key tactical strategies for building stronger customer relationships and generating referrals.
What made me change my mind about network marketing?
The decision to sign on was easy one once I found the right model that fit my values and complemented my existing services.
- I don't do shows - I'm already surrounded by my target market and don't have to seek people out - No inventory - No monthly sales or enrolment quota to remain active - My strength is in leveraging time and effort and I help my clients do the same with a value added product - No paperwork
Once I found the right network marketing business that met my needs, I was able to improve my existing services while creating a fresh new income stream.
I'd like you to reconsider network marketing with a fresh set of eyes too because if you find the right one, it can generate an added revenue source to your existing business.
Start by asking yourself what type of product might complement your business.
If you're in health services, there are plenty of direct marketing businesses that provide vitamins and other health-related products.
If your business values protecting the environment, consider MLM companies that provide organic products that complement your services.
If you're in the beauty business, consider the many networking companies that sell wholesome, pure make-up and skin care products.
A client of mine ran her own aesthetics business from home for twenty-seven years. One of the best decisions she made was to sign on as a distributor for a line of beauty products she believed in and used almost exclusively on her clients.
This added revenue stream not only boosted her daily deposits but won her several trips around the world and a new car.
No matter what type of business you're in -- home decor, cleaning, coaching, gourmet cooking, yoga, event planning, image consulting, professional organizing, tutoring, child care, real estate, financial advice -- you can create an added passive revenue stream for your business through network marketing.
And as you look at the variety of plans and models, do your due diligence and make sure you have a full understanding of what the business entails.
- Make sure the company is reputable. How long has it been in business? Are there any online forums discussing this particular business? - Are there monthly quotas? - Do you have to carry inventory? - Do you have to conduct presentations? - How does the compensation plan work? - Can you start generating revenue immediately? - How much paperwork is involved? - What kind of training exists? - What kind of restrictions apply on advertising, promotion, etc.? - Look for product reviews on forums - How much of your time will be required? - Will it be fun?
With a little bit of effort, due diligence and an open mind, you may find the perfect network marketing business to provide additional value to your clients and an added revenue source for your business.
Give it some thought.
2007 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source