There is no question you can make money online. Isn't your real question "HOW can I make money online"? Let's discuss the options and see if there is one that really stands out as your answer.
Build a blog or website of valuable information, get lots of traffic and sell to the website visitors through various methods.
Expect this method to take the longest of the three, take an incredible amount of work developing the content. Then learn search engine optimization (SEO) and promote the daylights out of the site.
Pay Per Click or PPC advertising of a product or service that you become an affiliate for. That means you do not develop, ship or ever touch the product or service, just send potential customers to the sales page of the business that does.
This method can be the fastest method but also the most costly as you have to pay for the clicks of advertisements you buy on the search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. You need extensive knowledge, or money to hire the work done, to build a website, do research, write ad copy, and carefully monitor your campaigns.
The third method is article marketing. The last method is my favorite for anyone who is not wealthy already. But then again, why would anyone wealthy be reading this article?
With article marketing you can get started with no money, just a computer and internet (borrow one at the library even). This method can generate income in as little as one day, but can certainly take a week or two as well.
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